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(AN - Well last chapter was a whirlwind wasn't it?😐 I decided to give you a little break from Isaacs side of the story so we can focus a little more on Maisie. 🤗 Enjoy! <3

Song #60: [play now] Montreal by Red Kite)

🌸Maisie Mayfield🌸
Friday, April 24th, 2015

"Well, Guinevere; we've made it to another weekend." I put my tan arm around my friends slender shoulders as we walk to our last class together.

"We're going to Max's party tonight, right?" She eyes me, telling me I'd better not ditch her for Isaac again. "I know," she huffs, pushing my arm off of her, "parties aren't really your scene, but it's Maxwell! He has the best parties and he has the biggest house ever. I mean, come on Maisie! There's a pool!" She squeals, growing with more and more excitement.

"Won't it be awkward?" I bite my bottom lip unsurely, "I mean Jordan will be there obviously."

"Who cares, he'll probably be on stage most of the night." She stops me at my classroom door, "let's just go. You can even bring Isaac!" She begs me, "Kayla wants to go too."

I feel my jaw clench; I'm not allowed to tell Greer about 'Kayla', so Viviana still has her Angel claws hooked into Greer. "Okay," I can't possibly leave her with Viviana. "I'll ask Isaac and we'll meet up there." I sigh, adjusting the strap on my book bag.

Greer thanks me and hugs me before pushing me into my class and running off to hers. This is a bad idea.

(AN - Song #60: [keep playing])


"Isaac Cohan?" I call for him by his locker after the school bell has rung to indicate that it's officially the weekend. Everyone still at school gives me a look like I'm crazy before turning to their friends and gossiping about my lover and I.

Big arms wrap around my middle and I squeal in shock before leaning into them. His face nuzzles into my neck as he places kiss after kiss on my skin.

"Maisie," Isaac whispers in my ear, greeting me. "Ready to go, sunshine?" He forces me out of the school door.

I turn around in his arms and put my arms around his strong neck. "Can you take me to a party tonight?" I smile innocently and kiss his jaw.

He scowls at me, "since when do you like to have fun?" He teases me, making me swat his head. His lips turn up into a playful smile, "alright, I'm just joking -sort of. You have to admit, you do a lot of homework."

I roll my eyes, "will you take me or not, funny boy?" I jump up in his arms, wrapping my legs around him. "Pretty please, Izzy?" I flutter my lashes at him.

He chuckles, walking us over to his black car and seats me on the hood, "Fine. But my dad isn't going to be happy about it." He kisses me as people around the parking lot ogle at us.

"Just tell him you're working on your mission." I slide off the hood, leaving no space between us as I wrap my arms around his torso. "My mom still wants you to come to dinner." I mumble into his chest as I press my face into him.

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