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(AN - Sorry, again.☹️ For right now I'll only be updating on Mondays. I don't have as much time to write for the time being...🙍🏼But hopefully soon my schedule will go back to normal! 👍🏻🙆🏼

I know you guys have been missing Mizzy, but you're going to have to be a little patient. The storyline has to keep on moving forward and in order for that to happen Mizzy has to stay apart for just a little longer! 💏🙅🏼 I hope you still enjoy the chapter though! Viviana/Kayla/whatever you want to call her is in it. 😬

Song #105: [play now] Godlike by Puzzle
Song #106: [play after] Runaway by Aurora)

🌸Maisie Mayfield🌸
Sunday, May 3rd, 2015

I watch with my stomach in horrible knots as Greer is pulled by some magical unseen force back to the woman responsible for my sleep coma only twelve days ago. I'm so tempted to lock Greer up in some kind of impenetrable box but who knows what would happen if I stop her from going to Viviana... It could be like that part in True Blood where Jessica nearly died when Eric tried to keep her from Bill after he summoned her. I don't want Greer spitting up blood while her heart crushes inside of her chest.

So instead, I follow with my nerves on end, jump at every twig snapped, and shiver at every sound in the wind.

As we walk through the woods for what seems like an eternity, some part of me begins to recognize the unmarked path. It's like intense déjà vu that makes me swear I've been here before. I know every turn before Greer makes them and I recognize every tree we come across --like I've studied them for hours. But before I can think anything out of it I step into a large clearing in the middle of the woods full of beautiful pink, blue, and violet flowers littering the ground like something out of a dream. A little rundown hut stands crookedly in the centre with the door nearly hanging on its side for its life.

The sun high up in the perfect azure sky shines brightly down on everything, making the landscape before me seem like something out of a fairytale. It's really beautiful --except for the fact my skin feels like it's about to peel off from the intense heat beating down on me now that I'm outside of the shaded area that the trees allowed. As I take a few seconds to gawk at the flowers and green trees on the other side, Greer keeps on treading forward. I groan in exasperation, wanting Viviana to just come out already but at the same time never wanting to reach the destination. However, as soon as we reach the hut my conflicted thoughts are forgotten as my eyes focus on a dark figure stepping out of the shade and into the bright light of the sun.

Skin so pale it's almost translucent catches my eyes as the blackness of her long hair hangs loosely down her back and around her shoulders. She wears a long silver dress that blows in the wind, moving as if the air around her is alive. Her silver eyes catch mine instantly as a slow sly smile curls onto her perfectly shaped face. God, she's beautiful.

"Oh crap," I mutter under my breath, feeling my face pale until all that's left is the pounding panic running coldly throughout my body. My stomach twists with sick from my stupidity of ever thinking I could do this without Isaac.

Why didn't I fucking call Isaac?

Greer walks until she stands just behind Viviana, her stance indicating that she's on the Angels side for this as she turns back around to face me. Viviana watches silently, blending in to the fairylike background almost too perfectly.

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