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(AN - Hey! So this chapter doesn't have anything to do with the last one... But enjoy nonetheless as you die from all of my cliffhangers 😇😅😂 do you hate me yet? Thanks so much for reading <3

Song #103: [play now] Loud(y) by Lewis Del Mar)

Isaac Cohan
May 2/15 - Sat
Day 9 (demon time)

"Radley?" I call for my friend as my Demon smokes us into his 'cell'.

Damn, my father went easy on him. It's really not like him. This room has everything a guy could wish for; tv, games, and food. Of course, he has always loved Rad like a son.

"Of course. Yeah, in about a months time." I hear his voice mumble as I walk through the glass room, coming to a stop at the black door to the bathroom.

My eyebrows furrow, "Radley, are you talking to yourself?"

"I can't talk, I'll call you later. Give me the update on the situation then." His whispering voice causes me to narrow my eyes.

He opens the door, red uncharacteristically along his cheeks as he smiles innocently at me.

"What's up?" I ask suspiciously, eyeing him strangely.

"Uh," he scratches the back of his blond head. "I might have found a way to call my girl..." He confesses with a wince.

"Didn't she slip into a coma?" Crossing my arms I arch a brow at him. Radley can't lie to me.

"Oh, it wasn't her directly," he says easily, "I had her sister on the line... It was just driving me crazy." He growls, his face turning serious, "I miss her so bad. I just want to know how she is."

"It's okay," I squeeze his shoulder, walking us to his kitchen bar. "I'm going to save her, Radley. I promised you and I don't break my promises."

He bites his bottom lip with a troubled look in his eye. "Even if it means you leave Maisie behind?" His fingers tap nervously on the black bar top.

I glare down at my clenched fists, "how do you know about her?" I whisper, trying not to think about me leaving her for good. It hurts too much to even talk about.

"Your mom came down to see me, she told me about Cece's mission and somehow it landed on Maisie." His head drops as he picks at the placemat in front of him. "I get it, Isaac. I can't ask you to leave her."

I shake my head, hating to see him so conflicted over this. "It's not an issue." I clear my choking throat and give him a fake reassuring smile. "When I leave her, she's going to be alive and healthy. She'll have the whole world at her feet." I nod, assuring myself as well as him.

Maisie has a bright future waiting for her. It's really not fair of me to hold it back to begin with. Once I'm gone she'll get back to it. She'll be okay.

"Your girl is the one that's top priority here. If there's something I can do to make you not have to go through that pain of watching her die, I'll do it. You're my brother. I won't stand by and watch you have your whole world torn away. Not to mention, as your future God, I can't allow one of my good men to become disheartened and lose the will to fight." I smirk, ruffling his locks playfully as he hisses and moves away from my hand ruining his beloved hair.

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