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(AN -  (I'm a terrible person I know and I am once again so terribly sorry for making you wait. You can send me smelly fish in the mail.) Welcome! So this chapter is all Mizzy <3 I was missing their cuteness. Besides I've been in suchhhh a gushy mushy mood. Enjoy :D

Song #125: [play now and to the end] Start a Riot by BANNERS [this song makes me cry 😭 the feels is strong in this one])

🌸Maisie Mayfield🌸
Saturday, early morning, May 9th, 2015

I'm awoken to arms tightly entwined around me, pulling me into a hard chest I know all too well. My own arms tug him closer, breathing in his distinct scent of mouthwatering goodness with the splash of mint toothpaste and a good mind dizzying amount of pheromones.

"Don't you ever do that to me again." Isaac whispers into my hair, holding me to him with what feels like all of his bone crushing strength.

"What did I do?" I squirm out of his uncomfortably strong grip unsuccessfully as he showers me in kisses everywhere he can reach without letting me go.

"You disappeared. I couldn't find you. I couldn't use my demon and your scent eventually just faded away." He frowns sadly, adjusting his body so that he's slightly hovering over me. "I thought something was wrong." Isaac admits, softly pushing my bangs to the side on my forehead to uncover my eyes completely. "I didn't know what to do." His icy eyes melt as they watch me with overwhelming worry and love.

"Isaac," I coo, wrapping my arms around him as he nuzzles into my neck. "I'm sorry. Sometimes I like to visit my old house. It helps me think."

"Are you really okay, Maisie?" He whispers, his face still hidden from my view. "I need you to tell me the truth. Nothing else matters if you're hurting. I don't care about any of it. I just need you to be happy." His voice says quietly into the still night, the only sound being our breath falling quietly in unison.

My heart pounds, feeling so much love for this boy that it's nearly choking me. "I didn't mean to worry you." I squeeze him tightly, kissing his temple. "I'll be okay. I promise." His arms wrap tighter around my torso, crushing me just enough to make me feel how worried he was.

"I want to believe you." He exhales, his breath blowing coolly on my collarbone. "But I don't know if I should. Not if believing you means you end up hurt." He looks up finally, his beautiful blue eyes troubled as he looks for something in me.

I don't know why I'm not telling him about the voices or nightmares. I just can't. There's no explanation to excuse it. I know that by not telling him I'm hurting him, but I just can't say it out loud.

I bite my bottom lip, trapped in his devastating expression. "I'm just struggling with some demons." I say, quickly blushing as his eyebrows furrow from my words. "The kind of demons that everyone has in them. Past and self-worth. It doesn't have anything to do with you, Isaac. You're blaming yourself, I can see it. But it has nothing to do with you. You're the one thing in my life that I wouldn't change for any single thing in this world." The words spill out of my lips, knowing they are partly true. He is the one thing I wouldn't change. But I'm pretty sure people with normal demons don't hear voices that aren't theirs. Or forget hours -even full on days- at a time.

"But what about everything that has happened?" He runs a hand through his hair, inhaling deeply.

"You mean with the blood? That was for art. I just got over enthusiastic." I smile gently, pulling a lock of his dark hair playfully. "I just mean all the times I've been in my head. It's overwhelming thinking about the things that scare you most in world. I guess I've been losing it a bit."

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