Daddy Time

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Justin's POV

So Lucy has been out all day with Jai. I went to your parents house so they could sign the papers to let me have Lucy in my custody. 

(LM= Lucys mom, LD=Lucys Dad) 

J: "Okay here are the papers"

LM: "Would you like anything to drink Justin?"

J: "No thank you, if you could just sign and I'll be gone.' 

LD: "There is no way in hell I am giving up my little girl, to a bad ass like you."

J: "I understand but I-"

LD: "No people like you don't change! You hurt my daought she was broken when I got her. And I fixed her. She is MY little girl not yours!" 

J: "She was broken when I got her. I was the first to show her love!"

LD: "That's just the thing! SHE will NEVER be yours!"



LM: "Calm down honey! Just sign the paper I think Justin should have his little girl back."

LD: "The ass should have nothing!"

LM: "I understand this is hard for you to do, but Lucy looked really happy in those pictures Justin showed us."

LD: "She's happy with us! She is always smiling, she never cut when she was with us!" 

LM: "Honey, she should go back with Justin, and Justin doesn't have really anyone right now. Justin needs our little Lucy's love."

Lucy's Father then looked up at me and put a small smile on his face. And kissed his wifes cheek. He then signed the paper and I saw tear roll down his face. He then whispered.

LD: "She's going to hate  me."

LM: "No she wont!"

LD: "I told my little princess I would never let her go. I would always keep her safe."

LM: "You kept that promise." 

LD: "Who's going to tell her?"

LM: "I think you should."

LD: "I can't brake her little heart!"

J: "We should both do it, together. 

LM: "I agree!"

J: "I'm going to pack her things."

I then ran up the stairs and went to her room and got her stuff.  As I was going through everthing I saw a picture of Lucy and her Dad, Lucy was smiling and so was her Dad. They looked so happy together. I smiled and put that in the box. I then saw another picture of her and her Dad. It was a picture of her Dad kissing her wrist and her luaghing. She looked so happy and I felt like I would take that away from her. 

Lucy's POV

I was walking into my house with Jai, when I saw a car outside of my house. I went inside holding Jai's hand. I then saw boxes of my stuff. I looked aroulnd. I ran up the stairs and saw my Dad crying on his bed. 

L: "Daddy?"

LD: "oh hey baby?"

L: "What's wrong Daddy?"

LD: "Nothing I just have somthing inportant to tell you."

J: "We.... have somthing inportant to tell you."

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