'I love you Daddy'

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Lucy's POV

Daddy and Catlin just walked in the door smiling. I smiled back. 

Lucy: "Dad can we get some real food?"

Justin: "Ask your mother if she's okay with it?"

Lucy: "Ask who?"

Justin: "Your mother."

Lucy: "You mean Catlin?"

Justin: "Uh yeah?"

Lucy: "I'v never called her Mom before!"

Justin: "What, baby she's your mother."

Lucy: "Listen here Justin Drew Bieber, Catlin is not my fucking mother, never has been never will be. And it's cute how you think that if I don't remember something one sec, you think you should trick me, wait sorry more like LIE to me ,just so you can hide all the shit you have done to me in the past, but I remember and it makes me sick that you both can go so low." 

Justin then looked at me with tears in his eyes and walked out of the room. I then turned to Catline. 

Lucy: "And to think I was just starting to like you again."

Catlin then got up and left the room too.  

(1 hour later) 

Justin walked back in the room. He stared at me for about 2 minutes then said, 

Justin: "Baby I'm sorry what I was going to do was wrong, It was all me, Catlin didn't want to do that to you. I know that was wrong. But I just wanted things the way they where. I love you Lucy so much, and I think you forgot that when I got married. I love you, you are my whole world. I just missed you snuggling up to me, whispering 'Daddy I love you' and you running home to hug me and leap into my arms and tell me how your day was."

He then started to cry. I got up from my bed and sat on his lap.

Lucy: "I'm sorry Daddy, I love you."

Justin: "I love you too baby girl." 

My Daddy then kissed my head and sang 'be alright' to me till I fell a sleep.

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