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Lucy P.O.V

"Lucy Marie Busher, were the hell are you!?" my Dad yelled out angrily. I was hiding under my bed so my Dad woundn't hurt me while my Mom was out of the house. "Lucy when I find you your going to be in so much fucking trouble!" my dad yelled again. I was shaking I really want my Mom to be back soon because my Mom cares about me a little bit. "FOUND YOU!" my Dad yelled. He pulled me out by the hair and pushed me on the bed. "DADDY PLEASE DON'T" I cried. "What did I tell you Lucy about hiding?!" He yelled at me in the face. "Not too." I said. "Now there are consequences!" He said. He layed me down on my bed and got on top of me and started to take my clothes off. "Daddy please that always hurts can you just hit me with the belt?!" I screamed and cried. "Shut up LUCY!" he yelled. All my clothes where off now and he pined my hands over my head so I couldn't do anything to stop him. He started to take his clothes off me as always closed my eyes and waited for the pain. When he first started to hurt me like this he said that I would have fun and that Mommy and him do it all the time, he said it was just like a snake that would not bit, might hurt but that's it.  Just as my Dad was almost done hurting me my Mom walked in and yelled at him. "Get off her, your hurting my baby!" my Mom yelled at him pushing him off me, and then grabing me and hugging me. "Baby are okay does it hurt?!" my Mom asked. I just sat there crying. "She was hiding and I told her to come out and she didn't listen." my Dad told my Mom. "You know she is too young for that, you know you can only send her to her room or spank her I never said you could rape her that's too far!" My Mom yelled getting up in his face.  "Get out of my face Anna (my moms name)" my Dad said to my Mom. "You need to learn not to hurt her like that!" My Mom yelled. "I'm sorry Anna banana it won't happen again I promise." my Dad said while pulling my Mom into a nice warm hug and kissing her on the head. "I'll go start dinner okay baby?" My Dad said to my Mom. "Okay thank you dear."   After that my Dad left to start cooking. My Mom walked over to me and said baby your bleeding looking down I started to cry. "Don't cry baby, we're going to clean you up." my Mom said while picking me up and taking me to the bathroom. She started to run the bath I saw steam coming out of the tub. I looked up at my Mom who was pouring bubbles into the bath. She then looked at me and smiled and said "Okay baby girl get in."   "Mommy I can't move it hurts." I said as a tear came down my cheek. My Mom then picked me up and placed me in the tub. "Mommy I like warm baths just the two of us." I smiled while playing with the bubbles in the tub. My Mom laughed and said "Me two baby, here i'll clean you up while you play." She smiled. "Mommy, i'm hunger." I said. "Okay let's get you out and in PJ's and go down and eat." 


My Mom held as she walked me down the stairs to eat dinner. I was in my Footy PJ's that were pink with bunnies on them. My Mom sat me down at the table next to her. My Mom then went and helped my Dad with the food. After 5 minutes they both came out. "Look at what we got Lucy it's your favorite!" My Mom said. "MAC AND CHEESE!" I yelled happily. My Dad laughed. "She's so cute!" he said. "Thank you I try" I giggle to my Dad. He then got up and tickled me. My Mom said it's time to eat. After I was done I told my Mom I was tired. "Mommy I'm sleepy."  "Okay Just clean off the table and then you can go to bed." My Mom said and then went in the next room. I went and got all the dishes and went to put them in the dish washer but then I dropped one. "oops" I said. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" my Dad yelled. He walked in and saw the plate and looked at me then he walked over to me and slapped me in the face telling me I was a bad girl, then he kicked me and said I was a brat and no one likes me. I started to scream for help and cried out in pain. "STOP PLEASE! HELP! HELP! MOMMY! I NEED YOU!" Just then my Mom ran in and told my Dad to stop. She then came over to my body and hugged me but I winced in pain. She picked me up and brought me to my room and then I fell asleep. 

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