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Lucy's POV

I woke up the net morning to hear my Daddy talking to a nurse. 

Lucy: "Daddy?"

Justin: "Yes princess?"

Lucy: "Can I go home?"

Justin: "We where just talking about that." He said smiling to me.

Nurse: "Your Daddy doesn't think that you can handle going home."

Lucy: "What?" I said looking at my Dad.

My Dad looked at the nurse and then back at me and said

Justin: "I don't think your ready to go home."

Lucy: "Daddy I'm all better!"

Justin: "Sweetie your not, you need to stay a few more days."

Lucy: "But Daddy I want to go home."

Justin: "Baby please just stay here a few more days, then you can go home."

Lucy: "The nurse said I was fine, Daddy I can go home."

Justin: " Nurse can you cheek her arm?"

I looked at him weird, the nurse came and cheeked my arm and looked at my Dad. My Dad looked at her and she said. 

Nurse: "I think it would be best if you stayed too."

My Dad nodded.

Lucy: "WHAT NO!"

Justin: "Baby it's just a few more days, i'll be here."

Lucy: "I don't want you here right now."

Justin: "Baby I just want-"

Lucy: "Just leave." 

Justin then got up and left with the nurse. A hour later the lady said I was going to a rehab. I

Nurse: "Your going to a rehab."

Lucy: "What?"

Nurse: "Everything has been signed." 

The nurse packed my things and took me to this car. I got in and we drove to this rehab I was going to be staying at. I walked in and got to my room. It was such a sad place. I hated it. I would Miss school for a month. 

I sat on my bed and stared at a wall. A nurse walked in and said. "Elizabeth it's time for your first session." I walked into a small room where a pretty lady sat she smiled at me and told me to take a seat. I sat down. 

Lady: "I can tell your scared, trust me I'm nice and we will become great friends."

I smiled at her then she started to ask me questions. 

Lady: "Do you have a dog?"

Lucy: "Yes"

Lady: "Do you have a Daddy?"

Lucy: "No"

Lady: "Yes you do."

Lucy: "No I don't"

Lady: "I know you do."


Lady: "Lucy you need to calm down."

Lucy: "Sorry."

Lady: "It's fine, now umm the next question is hard okay? Your old Daddy did he hurt you?"

Lucy: "Yes"

Lady: "Has Justin ever hurt you?"

Lucy: "Yes"

Lady: "How?"

Lucy: "He hurt my heart."

Lady: "Really?"

Lucy: " I would rather be hit everyday and have a broken leg or arm then live with a broken heart everyday, do you know what it's like to have broken heart? It hurts." I then stated to cry.

The lady then got up and picked me up and held me in her arms.

Lady: "This is not the place for you, no 10 year old should have to be here." 

I kept crying into the lady, as she held me tighter. 

Justin's POV 

I was behind the mirror where I could watch my baby girl answer questions. The lady then asked if I had ever hurt her. Lucy said Yes. I never laid a finger on her. The Lucy said I gave her a broken heart. Lucy then started to cry, the lady went and picked her up and I saw tears in her eyes too. I wanted to so badly go in there and take her home, but I knew I couldn't, I need to be there and hold her when she was scared and crying. I wanted to got and kiss her head and tell her 'daddy loves you' and stork her head to make her feel better. The lady then carried out a sleeping Lucy, she put Lucy in her bed and locked the door. I then walked behind the lady and heard her say,

Lady: "That little girl should not be here!"

Nurse: "She's ill!"


Nurse: "She is ill and her father wants best!"

Lady: "Put me on the phone with this ass." 

She then dialed my number and I ran out to my car and answered. 

Justin: "Hello?"

Lady: "Hello, this is Alex, Lucy's therapist."

Justin: "Yes how are you?"

Lady: "  Not so good I just got done talking to Lucy and she's NOT ill!"

Justin: "SHe's not?"

Lady: "She has a broken heart Mr.Bieber!"

Justin: "I didn't know that I would have-"

Lady: "That's just it you don't know! You should never drop off a sweet little girl like that her. I'v seen many people do it. Those little girl's NEVER walk out the same! They are life less and can I tell you, your daughter I can tell is full of life and sadly hurt."

Justin: "I'm so sorry I-"

Lady: "Save it, I herd she will be here for a month?"

Justin: "Yes"

Lady: "Well your daughter will not be the same when you come and get her. She is the youngest person here and it's hard to see her cry." 

Justin: "I know"

Lady: "Well it was nice talking to you Mr. Bieber, see you in a month!" 

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