I forget

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Justin's P.O.V

Caitlin and I where at the hospital with Lucy. Lucy has been in a coma for about a week now. Lucy flat lined 3 times today. Everyone is telling us to start saying our goodbyes. I havn't slept all week if I did sleep I would have a nightmare about Lucy dying. I pulled out my phone and tweeted. 

'My little princess is in the hospital and his not doing so well please keep her in your prays.' 

I was crying went I sent the tweet. As I was reading the comments the door flew open. It was Jai.

Jai: "How is she today?"

Justin: "She flat lined 3 times today."

Jai:"She'll be alright."

I then brought Jai into a hug. You see Jai had been coming everyday to see if Lucy was okay. Jai then went over to Lucy's bed and kissed her on the head. 

(3 hours later) 

Justin: "I think it's time for you to go home Jai you look tired." 

Jai: "Thank's Mr.Bieber, If she wakes up will you call me?"

Justin: "You'll be the first."

Jai: "Thank you."

Jai then left the room.I walked over to Lucy's side. I looked at her then I put my hand on her head. After that I took a seat next to her bed. I whispered.

Justin: "If I ever see you again,I am going to spoil you, I'm going to spend every minute that I have with you. Lucy I love you and I can't live without you." 

Right after I said that the Doctor came in and said,

Doctor: "Mr.Bieber?"

Justin: "Yes?"

Doctor: "Mr.Bieber you should go home to your wife,Lucy will be fine if anything happens we will inform you, and it's past visiting hours."

Justin:"I can't leave her."

Doctor: "Mr.Bieber if she wakes we will tell you."

Justin: "Fine." 

I got up and whispered to Lucy, "I love you, ill be back soon.",I looked at the time and saw it was midnight, then drove home.

Lucy's P.O.V (3 hour's later)

I woke up with a killer headache, Looked at the time and saw it was 2 in the morning. I looked around the room and saw it was dark, a few minutes later the door opened it was a nurse. I just smiled at her and she looked up and smiled. 

Nurse:"Oh my gosh your awake!" 

Lucy:"Looks like I am."

Nurse: "Can I get you anything?"

Lucy: "Umm I'm a little hunger."

Nurse: "Of course you are you have been in a coma for a week."

I looked at the nurse confused.

Nurse: "Lucy you where in a car crash."

Lucy: "Was anyone else hurt?"

Nurse: "No, i'm going to get the doctor someone will bring you food." 

The nurse then walked out of the room and left to get the doctor.

(20 minutes later) 

My door opened again, and some man walked in he looked up from his phone and smiled at me, the man then said,

Man:"Hey princess,I heard that you where awake and I drove here as fast as I could."

I just gave this man a weird look he then walked closer to me and kissed me head and sat down next  to my bed.

Man: "Princess, I understand if your still mad at me, I just want you to know I love you so so so much and I-"

Lucy:"I'm sorry, but who are you?"

Man: "Haha don't play this game right now."

Lucy: "What game?"

Man: "Oh my god, you don't remember me?"

Lucy: "Sorry."

Man: "No No No, Baby you can't forget me!"

I just looked at this man who acted like I knew him.

Man: "Baby, i'm Daddy! YOU CAN'T FOR GET ME! I'm Daddy. I was there when you where scared of thunder storms, I was there when you broke you arm, I was there when you first went down the pool side, I picked you up on your first day of school, I was there when you where scared, I was there when you cried. Baby please find your way back to me." 

The man started to cry into my lap. I put my hand on his head. Then the doctor came in.

Doctor: "Can I speck to you Mr. Bieber?" 

Man: "Yes" he then smiled at me with tears in his eyes. He walked out of the room. 

Justin's P.O.V

The Doctor just asked to speck to me in the hall. As soon as I shut the door I started to yell at the doctors.


Doctor: "Mr.Bieber it will take a little while for her memory to come back."

Justin: "Thank you doctor." 

I then walked back into the room and sat down and smiled at Lucy.

Lucy: P.O.V

The man just walked back into the room and sat down and started to smile at me. 

Man: "Oh sorry sweetie ummm my name is Justin, but you can call me Dad.'

Lucy: "Uh why would you tell me your first name?"

Just then some women walked in and ran to me and hugged me. 

Justin: " Ugh this is Caitlin, my wife." The lady just smiled at me. 

Lucy: "Then why don't I call her Mom?"

Caitlin: Because I'm n-" 

Justin: "Caitlin can I talk to you real quick in the hall?"

Caitlin: "Uh sure?" 

They then left the room. 

Justin's P.O.V 

Caitlin: "Justin you can't lie to her!"

Justin: "Baby it's not lieing we just won't tell her she's adopted." 

Caitlin: "Honey you can't do that!"

Justin: "Cat this is our time to fix everything!"

Justin Bieber adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now