Going home

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Lucy's POV (1 month later)

I was outside playing with Alex (My therapist). We where running around with a soccer ball. We where yelling and screaming. 


Lucy: "NO!" 

Alex: "CHEATER!"

Lucy: "Haha I don't cheat!"

Alex: "Lair!" 

Alex then picked me up and held me up side down. I was giggling so hard. She then put her lips on my tummy and tickled me. 

Lucy: "Stop it! Stop it!"

Alex: "NEVER!"


Justin's POV

Catlin and I where walking down a hall with a nurse she took us to Lucy's room she wasn't there. Then the nurse said "she better not be outside with Alex". We all walked out and I saw Lucy playing with Alex laughing and giggling. It made me smile and so did Catlin. Then we heard Lucy yell "MOMMY I CAN'T BREATH!" The smile came right off of our faces. I knew right there I had lost my daughter forever. 

Lucy POV

Alex then sat me down and got our sandwiches out. I ate my peanut butter and fluff sandwich while talking to Alex. Alex was and I where talking about flowers when we heard a nurse.

Nurse: "ALEX! What is she doing out here!?"

Alex: "Being a kid!"

Nurse: "You know, she is not allowed outside!"

Alex: "Calm down we brought our session outside!"

Nurse: "This was not approved." 

Alex: "Come on let the little girl have fun!"

Nurse: "Shes going to have fun! She's going home right now!

Alex and Lucy: "What?"

Nurse: "Your Mummy and Daddy are her to get you." 


Alex: "Lucy sweetie you have to."

Lucy: "NO! I want to stay with you. I said while hugging her. 

Alex's POV

The nurse then picked her up and took her to her room. Lucy started to cry and yell for me.

then ran to her room and she was crying packing her things. I picked her up and put her on my lap. And hugged her. She cried into my chest. 

Alex: "It's okay Lucy, you get to go home and be with your Daddy." 

Lucy: "I want to be with you." 

Alex: "You wanna the best part about my job? Seeing the person I help go back to his or her family. And the other best part was meeting you." 

Nurse: "Okay Lucy tome to go." 

I then walked out with the nurse, I was holding on to Lucy's hand. She squeezed my hand as her parent's came in sight.  Her father was smiling so was her mother. I think her father thought that she would go running to him because his arms where open ready to hug her. Lucy just looked up at me. I then whispered into Lucy's ear and said "Go give him a hug he looks just as broken as you.' She then nodded and walked towards her Dad and hugged him he slowly wrapped his arm's around his tiny little girl. She then kissed his neck. He looked up at me and mouthed 'Thank you." 

I smiled as I watched her take his hand they where walking out the door when Lucy ran back and hugged me and whispered. 'Thank you so much Alex, I love you, and I hope you have a little girl who loves you as much as I love you." She then kissed my cheek and ran back to her Dad. She turned around and smiled and left. 

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