Back to school

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Lucy POV

I woke up to the sound of my door opening.

Justin: "Sorry to wake you sweetie, I came to tell you to get ready for school." he said smiling he then left.  

I then got up and changed. I grabbed my bag. I wonder if people asked where I was for a month. I ran down the stairs and saw there was a big breakfast waiting.

Catlin: "Come and eat!"

Justin was already eating.

Lucy: "Ummm i'm good, I was hoping I could get to school early?"

Catlin looked at my Dad, my Dad looked at her and said 'What?'.

Catlin: "You need to eat."

Lucy: "I will."

Catlin: "You better."

Lucy: "K"

Justin then got up and took me to school. He was singing to his own song in the car. We then got to my school I jumped out and went to my locker. Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy. 

Emily: "LUCY!!!!"

Lucy: "Hey!"

Jai: "LUCY!!!!"

Jai then ran up to me and hugged me.

Jai: "How have you been,my god your s tiny!"

Lucy: "Hahaha i'm fine."

Jai: "So guess what?"

Lucy: "What?"

Jai: "I'm in all your classes!"

Lucy: "Really?! YEAH!"

Emily: "They said I couldn't be.'

Lucy: "Well all we do it talk"

Emily: "But still!"

Jai: "Lucy we better get to class!"

Lucy: "Okay."

Jai and I where walking down the hall and everyone was whispering about me. Jai noticed and pulled me close to him.

Jai: "Don't listen to the crap they say, don't let it get to you."

Lucy: "I never knew people could be so rude."

Jai: "Well it's school."

We where walking when a girl said 'Oh look at who it is, have fun is rehab?'

Jai was then about to freak out at her. 

Lucy: "Jai it's fine let it go, I'd rather have people know I went to rehab, then being like her."

Jai: "Sorry, let's go."

Jai and I spent the rest of the day together.  We sat together at lunch,but he was just like Catlin telling me to eat.

Jai: "You should really eat."

Lucy: "I will."

I didn't. 

It was the end of the day. Jai was walking with me to my Dad's car.

Jai: "You know I was there everyday at the hospital right?"

Lucy: "I didn't know that."

Jai: "Now you do. When they told me that you where moved to rehab, i'm sorry I wanted to beat the shit out of your parent's."

Lucy: "Trust me I do too!"

Jai: "Haha looks like your Dad can't leave you alone. He won't stop staring."

I then turned around and smiled at him and waved. He waved back. I rolled my eyes when I turned away from him. 

Lucy: "That's Justin!"

Jai: "Haha, well you better get going, he might get out of the car."

Lucy: "Haha he wouldn't!"

Jai: "Haha, well I gotta go, make sure you eat somthing."

Lucy: "K"

I smiled at him and then he hugged me. I then walked over to the car and got in. 

Justin just smiled at me. 

Lucy: "What?"

Justin: "You....."

Lucy: "What about me?"

Justin: "You totally like him!" 

Lucy: "No I dont!"

Justin: "Okay, but I know you do!"

Lucy: "Whatever just drive home."

We got home and I went up and did my homework. 

Justin: "Lucy dinner is ready!"

Lucy: "K"

I ran down the stairs and saw a lot of food. I stopped and looked at it all. 

Justin: "You not scard of food are you?" Justin asked while luaghing.

I then took a seat.

Catlin: "So your going to eat now? It's about time!"

Lucy: "I was going too,but not anymore."

I then got up and walked up the stairs, but then Justin yelled at me.


Lucy: "I will!"

Justin: "When?!"

Lucy: "I already ate today!"


I then walked back in and looked at the food. That was placed on my plate. I ate some of it. Then I stopped. Justin then looked over at me. 

Justin: "Is that all your going to eat?"

Lucy: "I'm full."

Catlin:"Eat the rest the pineapples is really good!"

Lucy: "I can't."

Justin: "WHY?"

Lucy: "I'm allegoric to pineapple."

Catlin: "No your not."

Lucy: "Wanna find out!"

Justin: "Lucy calm down."

Lucy: "Sorry."

I then got up and went to bed. 

Justin Bieber adopted meHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin