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Lucy P.O.V

I ran up to my room and slammed the door and locked it. I ran to my bathroom and shut the door. I found the razor that I had been cutting with for about 3 months now. I started to slice the skin on my wrist . I started to cry not because of the pain because of Justin. He wasn't that bad of a father but I mean he could do better. I sat on the floor to my bathroom I had 7 cuts now. I stopped and smiled at my work. I felt so much better. I then fell a sleep on the floor, Knowing tomorrow was Saturday. 

(The next morning)

I woke up in a pool of blood,I was really dizzy. I took a shower and got dress.  

(this outfit)---------------------------------------->

I then called Emily to meet me outside. She then text me and said 

Emily: 'Here'

I then ran down the stairs past Justin and Caitlin and I was then out the door. 

I was walking with Emily down the street to go to the mall when a car slowed down and rolled down it's window. Emily and I kept walking then the driver said. 

Driver: 'Lucy,i'm taking Caitlin to the doctors will be home in a hour.'

I then reliazed it was MY FUCKED UP FATHER!' (Justin)

I just kept walking and Emily and I where texting each other laughing. I then got a text from Justin saying. 

'Justin: 'I'm talking to you' 

I kept walking and then I saw Justin speed off with Caitlin going to there dumb doctors appointment. 

Lucy: 'Omg my god I hate them so much"

Emily: "Did you cut last night?"

Lucy: "Yeah."

Emily. "NO! Stop that your to pretty don't let the fucktard make you do that."

Lucy: "Whatever, now that there gown let's go back to my house."

Emily: "Okay." 

We then walked back to my house. 

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