Home sweet home

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Lucy's POV

I walked into my house for the first time in a month. My Dad went to the kitchen and Catlin smiled at me. smiled back. I didn't remember everything but most of it. 

Lucy: "Umm where's my room?"

Catlin: "Oh right this way sweetheart."

Lucy: "Thank you."

I walked up the big steps to my room  got in my room and looked around. Catlin just smiled at me. I gave her the 'Wow you are crazy look'. Catlin then left. I was all alone. I was us to not talking to really anyone because rehab made me more independent. I went to my bag that was on the end of my bed and opened my dairy. I wrote my songs in there, my Dad never knew about them. I was up in my room for about a hour when Justin called me down stairs for dinner. I walked over to the table and sat down. We where having Pizza. I just stared at the food while they ate. I just moved the food away from me. 

Justin: "What's wrong sweatheart? Aren't you hungry?"

Lucy: "No."

Catlin: "You should try and eat little, your so tiny."

Lucy: "I'm just not hungry."

Justin: "That's alright."

Lucy: "Can I be excused?"

Catlin: "You may."

I then got up and went to my bedroom and showered and went to bed.

Catlin's POV

"Justin, you should have made her eat!"

Justin: "Why so she can hate me even more?"

Catlin: "No so she can be healthy!"

Justin: "I don't want her to hate me anymore."

Catlin: "Making her eat won't make her hate you."

Justin: "I think she just not used to eating with people, anymore."

Catlin: "Or maybe she is Anorexic?"


Catlin: "I'm sorry I-"

Justin: "I'm sorry love, it's just I worry about her a lot. I mean I love her so much."

Justin then started to cry. I hugged him.

Catlin: "I know Justin, and she loves you too!"

Justin: "I miss the old days."

Catlin: "I know you do, I know. "

Justin and I then went upstairs and went to bed.

Justin's POV

 I woke up in the middle of the night because I heard crying. I walked down the hall and saw Lucy's door was open a little, I walked in to see my baby huddled in the corner."

Justin: " Baby? What's wrong?"

Lucy: "Nothing"

Justin: " Why are you crying?"

Lucy: "Sorry I woke you up."

Justin: "It's fine, now come and tell daddy why you where crying."

Lucy then got up and I motioned her to come closer, She moved a little. I then went over to her and picked her up and sat her on my lap. She was so light. I could feel her bones. She just laid her head on my shoulder and whimpered every once and awhile. I kissed her head and she fell a sleep. I then put her back in her bed. I then shut her door a little and went to my bedroom.

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