Chapter 16: Saturday

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(April 13)   

Today is the day Chris gets his cast off and stops using crutches. I had woke up at 7 and walked into the bathroom. I had stripped then got into the shower. I had closed the shower door. I had washed then got out 15 minutes later. I had dried off, lotioned then walked into the closet and changed into black tank top, black & white Aztec printed leggings and white low top converses. I had went into the bathroom and put on lipgloss, moisturizer and mascara. I had went into our room and went beside Chris.

''Chris wake up''

''No five more minutes'' He said turning over.


''Damn okay I'm up'' He said getting up. Before he went into the bathroom he had smacked my ass. I had walked down to the game room and got on Chris's iPad. This nigga Candy Crush. I had started playing it. Chris had came down and took the iPad away from me.

''Chris I was playing that''

''Well sorry it's mine''

''You're a meanie''

''I'm not let's go because they want to be there 12:00''

''Okay'' I said going upstairs. I had grabbed my phone and purse then went to the garage I decided on the white Mercedes Benz E Class. Chris had came and got into the car. I had drove to the doctor's office. When we got there I had parked and we went in. We both had sat down.

''Christopher Brown'' A doctor said. Me and Chris had followed the doctor. He had stopped at a door then walked in. Chris got on the bed and I had sat down.

''So you hear to get your cast off.


''Okay let's get started''

(1 Hour Later) 

''There you are Mr. Brown you are cast and crutches free''

''Thanks'' Chris said jumping down off the bed. We had walked out and he decided to drive. He had drove back to the house. My aunt's Rav4 in the driveway. I had got out and went over to the car. Somebody was hugging my leg. I had looked down and seen Ashley. I had picked her up and kissed her cheek. My aunt had got her stuff out the back.

''Hi auntie''

''Hey London and Chris''

''What are you doing here. Where is Zackary?''

''He's with your grandmother Ashley was ready to see her mommy so I brought her back''


''Well I gotta go see you later''

''See you later'' I said grabbing Ashley's bags. She had got down and ran over to Chris.

''Daddy'' She said as Chris picked her up.

''Hey baby girl did you miss me''

''Yes I missed you''

''I missed you too''

''Chris can you bring her in the house''

''Yeah come on Ashley'' He said as they walked into the house.

''Baby girl I gotta go be good for mommy''

''Daddy wear are you going''

''To work I'll be back to tuck you in''


''I promise'' He said kissing her forehead. He had came and pecked my lips then walked out the door. I had took her upstairs and washed her. She had changed into a light blue t shirt, black and white striped pants and black vans with white laces. She had on a black beanie.

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