Made from the sky and trees (Clexa)

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This one shot needs A summary just FYI.
follows the life of Clarke and Lexa after deciding to have a child (Set a few years in the future. Lexa of course never died)


"The rider from Arkadia just arrived," Lexa announces, walking into the throne room. Clarke doesn't look up from the maps as Lexa takes her seat on the throne, "Your mother, Kane, and their attendants will be here in the morning to discuss the new trades routes."

Lexa glances up at Clarke, realizing she wasn't paying her any attention, "Clarke?"

"What?" Clarke's head shoot up, "Sorry, what did you say?"

Eyes narrowing, Lexa repeats herself, "Your people will be here in the morning."

"Oh," Clarke gives a short nod before turning back to her maps.

Lexa stands up, motioning for the guards to leave the room. Once gone, she moves to stand behind Clarke. Running her hands up the girl's arms, she pulls Clarke into her front, "You have been acting strange for days, my love. What is it that troubles you?"

Letting her head fall back on to Lexa's shoulder, Clarke closes her eyes. She whispers, "I went to see the healers a few nights ago..."

Quickly stepping in front of her, Lexa gently puts her hands on Clarke's cheeks, "The healers? What happened? Are you sick, my love?"

"No, no, no... I'm not sick Lexa, I just-"

"Why did you not tell me?" Lexa frowns, "What is happening?"

Clarke's hand reach up to rest on Lexa's, "Relax, I'm not sick. I wanted to be sure before I told you."

"Told me what?"

Clarke glances down to the floor before staring straight into Lexa's eyes, "I think I'm pregnant, Lex."

Lexa's jaws falls open slightly, her eyes now moving down to look at Clarke's flat stomach. She says nothing, simply staring down and gripping Clarke cheeks more securely. Clarke whispers, "Lex this is what we wanted... Aren't you happy?"

Lexa's eyes move back to look at Clarke's. Immediately, Clarke notices the tears welling up in her Bond's eyes. Clarke has only seen Lexa cry twice in the three years since they met in that war tent, accusing each other of killing warriors and sending them there to kill. Once when they witnessed a child be killed during a raid many months ago. The other, the day they Bonded. Afterwards, alone in their tent, Lexa let her tears of happiness flow into Clarke's shoulder, overwhelmed with more joy than she had ever felt before.

Clarke's own hands now move to Lexa's face, wiping away fallen tears, "My love, why are you crying? I thought you would be happy?"

"I have never felt so happy in my life," Lexa sobs. Falling forward into Clarke's open arms, she grabs on to her shirt tightly, "I'm the first Commander to ever live long enough to have their own child. I am so happy I don't know how to tell you..."

Clarke lets out a noise somewhere between a laugh and sob of her own, "Lexa, we're going to have a little baby."

As her cries begin to die away, Lexa straightens herself. One hand rests on the small of Clarke's back, the other stopping just in front of Clarke's stomach, "May I?"

Clarke smiles through her own tears, "Of course, my love. The baby is yours too."

Lexa finally lets her hand sit on Clarke's still flat stomach. She rubs her thumb softly up and down. Releasing a deep breath, Lexa says, "We're having a little one. She'll be made from sky and trees. Blood of the clouds and skin of the dirt. Leaves in her hair and sun in her eyes."

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