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It never should have happened.

Honestly, Alicia knew better. She'd been surviving on her own for over a week, looking for Nick and the rest of them, but there had been a horde passing through the town she was holed up in the night before and she hadn't slept at all. The next day she was wrecked, stumbling around like a walker herself and walking into things often.

She had never done well without sleep.

It was inevitable, really. She had been heading for a convenience store to stock up, slammed her shoulder into a street sign, and just groaned in frustration. Totally normal. Commonplace, really, if pathetic.

Of course, that was in the old world. In the new world, she looked like nothing more than a walker. The only surprising thing to happen to her that day was that the bullet only hit her arm, not her heart or her head.

It slammed into her upper arm and lodged there, sending her spinning to the ground in shock. Her conscious brain was completely taken over by a chorus of what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck. She didn't realize that she was actually voicing those thoughts aloud until a new voice echoed her, the thick accent and minor panic breaking her from her trance.

Steps thudded heavily on the concrete, drawing Alicia's gaze to a blonde girl in leather pants and aviator shades sprinting towards her. Alicia made a faint attempt to draw the spiked bat she had strapped to her back, but a wave of pain shot through her arm and she froze.

The blonde arrived at a run, crashing to her knees next to Alicia and continuing to swear. "What the fuck, you're not a Z, fuck." Her hands darted all over the brunette, touching lightly and making sure there weren't any other injuries she could see. She yanked a bag off of her shoulder, ripping the zipper open and digging through it frantically. She came up with a handful of Alicia didn't even know what, only recognizing the roll of bandages.

Alicia stared at her. Was that war paint on her face? And how was her hair so shiny? Absently she wondered how soft it would feel under her fingers.

"What the fuck were you bloody thinking, you utter cuntmonkey, shuffling around like that? It's like you fucking wanted me to fucking shoot you, you twat!" The stream of curses never stopped, not even as the blonde gently spread a cream over the wound and wrapped it up. Alicia was impressed. Some of them were new to her; she made a mental note to remember them for when she found Nick.

A sharp jerk drew a curse of her own from her lips. The blonde had tied off the bandage and sat back on her heels, finally quiet. She looked from Alicia's bat to her overstuffed bag to the deep circles under her eyes, raising an eyebrow when she caught a glimpse of the phone poking from her jean pocket.

Flushing, Alicia scrambled to her feet, ignoring the pain that pulsed like fire down her arm. For the first time in almost a month she was painfully aware of how filthy she was. At least her family had been just as dirty as her - the blonde looked clean enough to eat.

Off of, eat off of, god she needed sleep.

The blonde stood up as well, raising her aviators and revealing a pair of the bluest eyes Alicia had ever seen. The other girl smirked, trailing her eyes down Alicia blatantly, only looking up after nearly ten seconds.

"Thank fuck I missed. It'd be a shame to kill such a gorgeous girl."

Alicia blinked.

Then blinked again.

Then turned around and started walking. The rendezvous point was only twenty minutes by foot, less if she walked quickly. She had far better things to do than to sit around and get objectified by some asshole Australian who had fucking shot her.

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