Dream *(Clexa)

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-"Lexa, I need to talk to you!" - Clarke says in exasperation as she opens the curtains to Lexa's tent.
-"Clarke?!"- Lexa's eyes go wide. She had not been expecting Clarke's company.
The blonde girl just stood perplexed as she saw Lexa taking a bath. All she could see was a beautiful face free of any war paint, toned arms that hugged the sides of the tub and the water was barely covering the beautiful girl's chest.
-"Oh my God, I am so sorry." - She finally manages to let out.

Her face was going red, her heart was bursting out of her chest, her skin felt like it was on fire. She turns fast on her heels to leave the tent.
-"Stop!" She hears the strong soulful voice of the Commander that immediately took her to a halt. - "Turn around!" - as she complies, she is faced with a solid powerful gaze directed at her, one that she was well too familiar with. That look could make anyone feel terrified and turned on to an incredible extent at the same time. Clarke didn't know if that second part was intended or not but Lexa sure was an expert at it. - "Take a few steps further!" - A gulp is her first reaction to that command, the second reaction is to take 3 slow steps onward.
The Commander's eyes were smiling with mischief. Clarke's hands were trembling as she was doing her best to look anywhere but Lexa, as the brunette notices the nervousness that Clarke was exuding a small smirk starts playing at her lips.

-"I-is there... Is there anything you want?" - The flustered girl asks finally daring a glance towards the beautiful yet currently naked girl in front of her.
-"Yes... I assume you came here to talk to me about something important. Correct?" - Clarke only manages a nod. - "Okay, well. As you can see, I am not in the best attire for having such important conversation. Would you mind passing me my robe?" - Lexa asks with fake innocence as she points to the robe laying on her bed.
-"I... yes! Of course! Yeah!" - Clarke makes her way to pick it up and as she makes her way back to Lexa, she stops dead in her tracks. Lexa, slowly, starts rising from the tub. All of her body, glowing as water streams down her body. Clarke's eyes land on one single drop of water and starts following its slow journey down Lexa's toned body. First, her collarbone, then it crosses between Lexa's chest and Clarke lets out a small gasp, as the journey continues down Lexa's abs Clarke can feel her body craving Lexa even more than she ever had with anyone else. The drop comes at a full stop when it reaches Lexa's sex. Clarke cannot stop staring but her brain knows it's wrong, she should be looking elsewhere, and she should not be evading Lexa's privacy.
Clarke looks up at Lexa only to find Lexa looking back at her and then she knew. Lexa was doing it on purpose. A teasing smile was playing on Lexa's lips, her eyes were darker than she had ever seen them and most of all, they were looking at Clarke as if she were her prey. This was a game to Lexa! She was testing how long Clarke would resist and Clarke was doing a really bad job at it.
Lexa slowly gets out of the tub, not once taking her eyes of Clarke who was still stuck to the floor. She took slow steps filed with purpose towards the blonde and as she reaches Clarke. Stopping mere inches away from her, sharing the same hot filled air and not once looking away. She takes the robe out of Clarke's hold and turns away as she wraps it around herself.
-"What is it, this matter that could not wait till morning to be resolved?"
-"W-what?" - Clarke was at a daze. Her brain and thoughts were all blurry and all she could make up out of all that blur was the sudden shift in the air. Lexa's demeanor changed in a matter of one second and Clarke was having a hard time processing all of it.
Lexa looked at Clarke as if nothing had happened. Her full Commander demeanor was on and with no trace of that gleaming smirk from just a few seconds ago.
-"You came in demanding to speak with me. I assumed to be a deal of great importance for you to barge in at night during my bath."
-"Yes... Yes!" - Clarke managed to say, remembering that that was in fact the reasoning why she showed up. The problem was, she could not remember it.
-"Well? What is it?" - Lexa stepped closer to Clarke.
-"I... I can't r-remember" - A blush spreads across her pale cheeks and Lexa was fully aware of it.
-"You can't remember?" - Lexa steps forward once more, inching closer and closer to Clarke who is nodding meekly at her - "Why is that?" - Lexa's voice dropped to a very low and husky tone as she kept approaching Clarke slowly.
Clarke gulps and no words come out of her mouth.
-"Do I distract you, Clarke?" - Lexa is now just a few inches across from Clarke. Her hand takes a hold of Clarke's jacket and starts sliding down along with the brunette's hard and dark gaze.
-"Yes!" - The blonde manages to say.

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