Lexa's obsession (clexa)

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The sun had just set on Polis. The stars were beginning to appear in the sky along the full moon that shown as a beacon in the dark. Aside from the moon and stars, the only other light came from the giant flame that sat atop the tower.

Inside, Clarke stood at the window, gazing out on the city below and watching the small torches move up and down the roads in the dark. Lexa had sent a guard to tell her that Clarke should expect her tonight sometime, though she didn't say when.

Clarke sighed as she waited. Her mind wandered to Lexa, thinking about the brunette's voice and movement of her body. She bit her lip, forcing herself to shake the thought from her mind. Lexa was special to her, and there was no denying that she had deeply rooted feelings for the brunette.

A soft knock on the door forced her to discard her thoughts. She turned swiftly and called out "come in," waiting to see if it was the object of her affections at the door.

She wasn't disappointed when Lexa entered the room, a soft smile on her face.


"Lexa." Clarke couldn't help the smile that spread across her face as she walked to the brunette. "What can I do for you?"

"You could accompany me."

"Where?" Clarke asked intrigued.

"Somewhere that is a secret. Only one other person knows about it, but I would like to show you." Lexa smirked and held out her hand. She tried to appear confident in her actions, but on the inside she was terrified.

She released a quiet breath when Clarke took her hand, and had to force herself to stay calm at feeling the softness of Clarke's skin.

She led her to the elevator and entered, pulling Clarke with her. She expected Clarke to release her hand once they reached the elevator, but the blonde was holding firm. Lexa shyly glanced to Clarke, hoping that the blush she felt on her cheeks wasn't visible.

They rode down a floor in silence and once the doors opened Lexa led the blonde down a dark hallway, coming to a halt outside of two large double doors.

Lexa released a breath and looked to Clarke, who gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and a nod. Lexa opened the doors and they stepped inside, Clarke's eyes widening at the sight.

The entire room was covered with candles, all lit, but that wasn't what was surprising. Clarke knew that Lexa had a severe candle obsession, but it didn't bother her. The girl needed a hobby.

No, what stopped Clarke in her tracks was what was within the room. She had read about such things during her time on the ark, about places that recorded sound and music.

"Lexa what is this place?" Clarke asked aloud as she looked around.

"Clarke, this is my rap room."

Clarke turned and looked at her, an eyebrow raised. "A rap room? What is that?"

"There used to exist a type of music called rap, back before the bombs. I had procured some 'CDs' and fell in love with the sound of the music. Then I found this place and decided to resurrect the art."

Clarke just stared blankly at Lexa.

"You- you rap?"

"Yes and I would like to rap one if my songs for you."

"Um o-okay." Clarke let out a nervous chuckle as she waited.

Lexa moved to the device at the table and turned on some switches, Clarke didn't bother asking how there was electricity there. She watched as Lexa played a beat before clearing her throat and very seriously looking to Clarke.

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