WorkForce* (Doctor Mechanic)

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It was six weeks after the Mountain. Six weeks of working like a dog about 18 hours a day. She had worked on improving the fence, improving heating and electrical outputs, but the most important thing she worked on was the communal showers. It was getting into the start of winter and cold baths in the nearby river just didn't cut it anymore.

So come five she finished her official duties and would start working on the showers. First she made the shower heads. Four in all, two for the guys and two for the girls. Abby had been ever present by her side come the end of shift. Something that had started after they had been released from the infirmary. They had slipped back into their easy friendship from the ark. Actually it was probably better than before.

Where Abby used to watch Raven do all the work these days she helps out, Raven teaching her how to weld. The only thing that worried Raven was no matter how much she made Abby smile or laugh there was always something behind her eyes. It only got worse when Abby had to say goodnight, which was probably why the good nights became later and later.

The showers were their baby. They'd built the shower heads, the pipes, and the large hot water tank. They then erected the tent they were to go in and created the divider to separate the boys from the girls and then the two stalls. They worked hard together and the whole camp had been enjoying the fruits of their labor for the last couple of days.

Right now it was 10pm and Abby was curiously absent. She was supposed to have finished work at 8 and come around to see her, have dinner and just relax. Raven had spent the last two hours thinking maybe she had an emergency. But no more, Abby would have sent someone to her.

She headed for the infirmary only to find Jackson there. When she asked about Abby's whereabouts he appeared confused telling her Abby had left an hour previously after a run in with a patient, a very angry patient. She'd told him she was heading to see Raven. Raven was confused by that and thanking him headed towards Abby's quarters. She knocked on the door to no answer. She waited several seconds before testing the handle and finding it open pushed in.

She searched Abby's room, larger and more spacious than others because she was the Chancellor. The place was immaculate which made her roll her eyes before she headed out, certain Abby wasn't there. She searched the camp, including her room and the mechanic shop and nothing. She asked the guards if she had left but no one was allowed out after dark.

There was only one place she hadn't checked and she returned to her room to get a fresh change of clothes and a towel before heading for the shower tent. She passed a couple of women leaving before stepping in and sighed in relief at seeing Abby's shoulders and head protruding above the stall divider.

"You stood me up" she muttered as she sat to kick off her shoes and placed her clean clothes on the bench beside Abby's. It wasn't until she had removed her brace and kicked off her jeans before she realized Abby hadn't responded. She frowned as she replaced her brace to allow her to stand and shucked her shirt leaving her in just her underwear and singlet.

"Abby?" She asked approaching the stalls and saw her friends shoulders shaking. What was going on? Now she was really worried, Abby never ignored her like this, never stood her up on their nights together without explanation. "Abigail Griffin you may be chancellor but you also happen to be my best friend so turn your butt around and talk to me"

She heard a soft sigh before Abby turned around and Raven gasped in shock. She didn't stop to think as she dropped her items and pushed through the shower door, go figure they'd forgot locks when they installed them, and approached her friend who's own eyes went wide in shock at the intrusion.

Raven didn't even glance down, captured instead by the black eye Abby was sporting as she cupped her friends face and looked the injury over.

"Damn Jackson, he told me you had an altercation with a patient but he never said it got physical" Raven gently prodded at the tender eye, stopping when Abby winced.

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