It comes with no warning* (Sea Mechanic)

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It felt like there were a thousand hydrazine bombs going off in her head. Ones that she had created herself out of rocket fuel, gun powder, and tin cans, all exploding one by one as she ran into obstacle after obstacle.

She pressed her thumb to her forehead, trying to force the explosions back for another moment. She just needed to focus.

"Raven," a soft voice called, calm and constant and familiar.

"What?" She snapped back, desperate for any excuse to blow up and give herself some relief.

She wondered if she was the rocket fuel.

"You need a break." She could practically feel Luna standing a few feet behind her. It was hard to keep her attention off her. "Go rest."

"I can't." And she couldn't. She had to figure this out before time ran out. It felt like time was always running out.

"You can," Luna pointed out. Her voice was gentle, like it always was. Even when Luna was angry, she still sounded like she didn't want to hurt anyone. Even with words.

Raven wanted to slam her fist into the metal dashboard in front of her, wanted to feel her hand break, the bones crush.

She didn't.

"I can't," she repeated, hating the way her teeth gritted together like it was Luna she was irritated with.

She barely just managed to keep herself from shuddering in relief when Luna's hand settled on her shoulder, her thumb sweeping up the side of her neck. "You can," the other girl echoed.

When Luna wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled, she didn't fight. She slid off the chair, let her lead her up the stairs. It felt like a matter of minutes before she was standing in front of the couch, Luna setting up a pillow and a blanket. It looked lonely. She was tired of being lonely. Tired of lashing out, like when she'd punched Murphy earlier that day. She wasn't sure whether he'd deserved it or not anymore.

"Can you –" She cut herself off, because she didn't ask for help. Everyone always wanted to help her, especially since her leg was more than useless at this point. Or less, depending on how you looked at it. But she'd grown up on her own. She'd never had anyone to help her, except for Finn. And she didn't want to be reminded of him anymore. It made her heart feel like it was crushing in on itself.

Luna seemed to understand what she hadn't said, though. She moved the pillow, then sat at the end of the couch. Raven only hesitated for a second before she laid down, kicking her shoes and socks off, tugging the blanket up over her shoulders. She settled onto her side, resting her cheek onto Luna's thigh, her nose pressed to her hip. Her eyelids drooped shut as Luna pulled her hair free of its ponytail, then started to comb her fingers through it, nails scraping against her scalp.

It took less than a minute for the explosions in her head to stop. Then she was asleep.


Raven woke up in increments. First, she felt warmth under her cheek. Fingers moving absently through strands of her hair. Tassels at the end of the blanket brushing against her bare foot. Cold air hitting any skin that was revealed.

For a moment, she thought she was back on the Ark. Maybe she'd fallen asleep while studying, and Finn was there to take care of her like he always did.

Then she remembered.

"How are you feeling?" She always wondered how Luna could sound so calm, like they weren't all going to die soon.

"Fine," she grunted, sitting up even though she wanted to curl into her further. The blanket fell as she sat up, pooling around her waist. Pain shot up her leg when she placed her feet onto the floor, but she ignored it.

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