Sky People are strange(Clexa+raven)

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The picture is of a pig's brain. You're welcome.
P.s I took that picture in biology today
"Raven of the Sky People!"

Raven glanced up from the machine she was working on; welding mask on and welding tool aflame in her hands. "Lexa?" she smirked, flicked the switch to douse the torch before asking, "Here for another line? Cause' I'll tell you no-"

Lexa shook her head. "No, have no fear I have one already."

Raven pouted a little before shrugging and flicking up the visor of her welding mask, "Then why are you here?"

"I wish to learn of the Sky People ways."

Raven gave her a look of confusion as she removed her safety gloves. "Why?"

Lexa shifted uncomfortably in the spot she was standing in. She lowered her eyes a little before realizing her mistake and raising them once again. "My people could stand to learn a thing or two about the Sky People..."

Raven shot her a look of disbelief.

Lexa turned her head and mumbled under her breath.

"What was that?"

Lexa sighed and turned back to look at Raven, sucking in a deep breath to regain her runaway courage. "I wish to ensure that Clarke finds something interesting in me and to do so I must take interest in her peoples ways, both understanding and learning them."

Raven could almost gag at the sweetness of the situation. Honestly, she couldn't count anybody luckier than her blonde best friend, she had a whipped Grounder leader with an entire army at her beck and call who she would use to massacre an entire nation if they so much as breathed antagonistically at the woman within a continent of her...but then again that wasn't saying much since she was pretty sure that Lexa would massacre an entire nation if someone so much as eyed of an eggplant of hers. The girls obsession with the food was something to worry about...seriously.

"And you're here why?"

Lexa shuffled a little uncomfortably. "You have given me good information before...I trust you." She said, muttering the last bit lowly.

It was hard to admit such a thing, there were few people she trusted with her life; Costia had been one of them but she had died, Anya had been another but she had died, Gustus had been another and he had betrayed her and she had had to kill him. Those who were still alive; Clarke, Indra, Raven, Luna, Lincoln and growing on her Octavia made up a tiny list of those she would trust to have her back if the world came crashing down around her.

Raven softened a little at that. It had been hard at first, anytime she had seen Lexa it had caused rage to boil up inside her, fury to attack the woman but as time rolled on by and Lexa had assisted in helping their people out of Mount Weather, she had come to realize that the girl was just that - a girl. The role of Commander and thousands of lives were just thrust upon her...she was just doing her best and sometimes ones best weren't ever good enough. You can't make everyone happy.

"Art," Raven sighed out an answer.

Lexa nodded, "Clarke has a fascination with drawing. She is elegant and startlingly realistic when she draws the world around her."

Raven raised her eyebrows, she was positive that if Lexa had seen Clarke draw the girl wouldn't have been drawing her environment instead of the girl she constantly stared at. Honestly, she didn't even need to see Lexa, she had memorized her and that was little too creepy for Raven. "You've seen Clarke draw."

Lexa shook her head. "I have witnessed one or two of her drawings but have not had the pleasure of seeing her in the act of drawing."

Raven nodded.

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