Follow Your heart(Clexa)

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Of one thing she was absolutely certain: Lexa would not be happy. Clarke hadn't intended for this to happen. The fact that it was happening at all was pretty much impossible, but it was, and as she bent over a bucket to puke up the emptiness in her stomach, she regretted every decision she had ever made. Raven was seated on the bed beside her, wiping Clarke's sweaty face with a cool cloth once the blonde was done retching again. She cringed, but didn't comment on Clarke's dishevelled, gross appearance.

"How are you feeling?" Raven asked delicately. She watched Clarke with concern.

"Like I was run over by a pack of grounders," Clarke snapped. "How do you think?"

Raven sighed and dumped the cloth back into the bowl of water nearby. "Don't take it out on me," Raven said. "Lexa is the one that did this to you."

"Don't you dare tell her."

"I won't," Raven snapped back. She saw Clarke's face contort in pain and softened her tone. "I know that this must be difficult for you, but I think that you need to tell her."

Clarke laughed. "Tell her? Really?"

"She has a right to know."

"Raven, I don't even know what to do about this myself. How in the hell is Lexa going to handle it?"

"Like the strong woman she is," Raven argued. She did not like having to defend Lexa of all people, but Clarke was being too stubborn and she needed to say something that would break the blonde's resolve. "She's already heading down here from TonDC," Raven admitted.

"What?" Clarke shot up. She was suddenly too angry to feel the lurching of her stomach at the quick movement. "Who told her?!"

"No one! Geez, calm down Princess."

"I did," Octavia entered the room, wearing her usual grounder outfit with smudges of blood and mud on her face. "But I didn't give details. I only told her that you're sick, and you need her."

Clarke glared daggers. "Why?"

"Because, Clarke," Octavia exclaimed. "I care about you! Stop being such a dumbass and talk to Lexa about this. The both of you need to decide what to do, and soon."

Clarke groaned as another cramp hit her and she curled into a ball on her side. "I'm sorry. I'm taking this out on everyone when I shouldn't. I just feel so awful."

Both Raven and Octavia softened. They shared a look and then joined their blonde friend on the bed to give her comfort.

"How about now?" Octavia asked, grinning.

Clarke managed to smile, and was grateful for their comfort. But then another cramp hit and she hastily reached for a bucket. "Oh god, I hate Lexa so much right now."


She knew that Clarke was sick, but not with what. Even as she tried to tell herself that this was a strategic move, travelling down to Camp Jaha to see the Sky Leader, she knew that wasn't the full reason. Keeping the alliance with Clarke was vitally important. But so was making sure that Clarke was alright. Lexa couldn't stop thinking of the different illnesses that existed, from drinking certain water or eating certain poisonous fruits, and then what it took to cure them. The moment she saw Clarke she would know what ailed her. She only hoped that she could do something to help.

Camp Jaha hadn't been expecting her, so Lexa had to wait for a moment before Kane and Abby left the ship and walked down to the gate. Guards aimed their guns at Lexa's warriors, but the brunette ignored the threat. She kept her head high, jaw stuck out. They would not intimidate her-and with the way the guards flicked their eyes about, she was the one intimidating them.

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