That time of year(Clexa)

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Every year for as long as she could remember, this was the one moment in time and space that she felt the most free. It was the one time that she didn't have to be a leader; she could be that innocent girl that she once was before all of the suffering and loss. She could just sit and remember the girl she once was and the woman she had grown into. Even with all the loss, she still kept hold of that person she once was.

That first sign of winter, the first sign of snow fall. She always knew when it was coming. Like her father, she had this ability to sense when it was going to snow. It was like a feeling just overwhelmed her and she just knew it was coming. Of course it was clear that winter was coming, the air was cooling so much so that whenever someone breathed you could see the vapors come out as steam against the cool air. The grass was beginning to frost in the morning air only to melt in the daylight sunshine. Even with all this, Lexa knew, she knew it in her bones that the first snowfall was coming.

Each and every year she would go out to her favorite clearing out by Tondc, and this year wouldn't be any different. With the defeat of Mount Weather only a few weeks ago, the grounders and sky people joined up to start rebuilding Tondc to the village it once was. A village that would house both the grounders and their traditions as well as the sky people and their technology. It was a big turning point for all of them, defeating the mountain meant their people could live as one. It wasn't a fight anymore, it wasn't Lexa against her warriors, and even Indra was for this idea.

This year would be a little different however; she had someone in her life that she cared for. That she might even love. She wanted to share this great moment with her because it was one that only came around once each year and Lexa wanted to be able to share this moment with the sky leader. She hadn't shared this moment with anyone since Anya was alive the year before and even then Anya was only there to protect her. Did they have a friendship? Yes, but when the commander of the leaders was asking to sit in an open area with no protection, one cannot just watch the snow falling from the sky. They had to protect the one person that would lead them to victory if need be.

Lexa knew this, so she got used to the idea of being out in the snow alone. Sitting in the clearing until her fingers and toes felt tingly from the cold.

Currently, Lexa was walking around the camp they had created just outside the area of where Tondc once was before the missile struck. It was early to say the least, the sun was just starting to peak its head above the trees. There was no movement in the camp besides herself and one guard that hung back because even though they all knew that they have freedom; it was still old hat for that guard to watch the commander's every move.

She made her way to the shelter of her desire, the girl of her dreams, the one she wanted to share this moment with. Unsure of what to do once she got in front of the cloth covering the opening, she had heard of something called 'knocking' before entering. It was something that the sky people did so she did just that wanting to make sure she wasn't intruding on Clarke.

There wasn't a door so she knocked on the wooden post that was holding the cloth. After a moment, there was no response so she entered a little cautiously. The light shining through one of the windows was enough for Lexa to make out where Clarke was sleeping. She just stood there and stared at the blonde in front of her, Clarke's back to her. It took a moment before she got her legs moving and moved closer to her desire.

Leaning over, she placed a hand on Clarke's shoulder and shook her a little, "Clarke," she whispered not wanting to startle her awake. Clarke mumbled something that Lexa couldn't make out. "What did you say?"

"We need to get the butterflies to a safe location," Clarke mumbled into her pillow.

Lexa stared at the blonde confused, "The what?"

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