Hey Pretty(Clexa)

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Screw Octavia and Raven with their 'Ferris Wheels are for babies and old people' crap. Clarke fucking loved the Ferris Wheel, okay? It was calming and relaxing and beautiful, especially right now, as the sun had just started it's descent, ready to spill streaks of orange and amber and pink to bleed through the dusky blue sky. Who cared if it wasn't some adrenaline junkie's wet dream or some twist's sadistic experiment to see how fast they could get someone to throw up? Clarke flipped her friends the bird as they laughingly left her alone in the line. She would ride the damn thing herself.

Except apparently, she couldn't ride the damn thing herself.

"What do you mean I can't go alone? I'm not a freaking child."

The ride operator seemed terribly unimpressed at her self-proclaimed adult age. He shrugged. Lazily picked his nose. "We got a line to get through, can't waste space for some lonely chick who just wants a good cry." He dragged his gaze over her, stopping very obviously on her chest. "Though if you're so set, how 'bout I join you?"

Clarke gagged. "Not ever."

Boogerboy sneered. "Then too bad. No singles. Get outta my line."

Clarke growled, turning her heel. And almost ran into someone else. "Shit! Sorry!"

The girl in front of her was rubbing at the growing redness at her forehead and Clarke zeroed in. Well, needs must. She reached out, latching onto a slim wrist. "You'll do. Let's go!" Ignoring the squawk of indignation Clarke whirled, stepping back up to Operator Fuckboy, sickly sweet smile pasted on.

"Two please." She smirked triumphantly at his scowl, barreling past him to the hanging cart, dragging the girl with her. She settled them both in, finally turning to her unfortunate victim to offer up a belated apology when the air caught in her throat. Oh shit. She's hot. It was the only thing racing through her mind. Seriously, this girl was gorgeous, all messy brunette curls, high cheekbones, big green eyes, cutting jawline. Clarke's eyes fell to her lips. Full and pink and pursed in righteous irritation. She wanted to kiss them. Uh oh. She cleared her throat.


A dark eyebrow arched.


Shit. If Clarke didn't find some words soon this goddess of a woman might actually toss her out of the car.

"Er. I'm Clarke." The other woman crossed her arms. Double shit. "I love Ferris Wheels." Ire was replaced by complete bafflement, which Clarke found just as alarmingly arousing as her glare.

With a shudder the ride started and the girl whipped around, mouth opening to protest, but wordlessly fell back into the seat with a huff when the ride jerked several feet forward.

"Too late. You're stuck with me now." Clarke mentally slapped herself. Her and her big mouth. She peeked at her hapless companion. Welp. It was back to glares. She tried to look contrite.

It didn't work. Clarke cringed. Man, this girl had a glare that could make even the Blake siblings sit down and shut up.

And yet...it was still so fucking attractive. Clarke had never thought of herself as the type to find anger - anger directed her way no less - an arousing scenario but as Raven would say, "hot damn, she can spank me any day." Of course Raven had been referring to her mom at the time, which ew, but now Clarke could (unfortunately) say she understood the sentiment.

She could also hear Raven's voice in her head, demanding she not let such a golden opportunity slip by. "Use it or lose it. Listen, we didn't say anything before because it was too soon, but you've gotta face facts. The longer you go with doucheFinn as your last lay the sadder it is. Think about your poor vagina. She deserves better."

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