Work From Home* (Clexa)

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Lexa worked had an bigot asshole boss who liked to punish her for being gay and in love with the sexiest human being on the planet, being the rookie in the company she had to take the shit jobs he ordered even if it meant twelve hour shifts that lasted all night - it was also a matter of pride. Clarke though couldn't stand it especially since Lexa had only been outed at work by her co-worker on accident, dating someone with an androgynous name was good when your boss was a bigot but it was bound to happen and now they were both suffering because of it.

"Babe, I gotta go," Lexa smiled into the desperate kiss Clarke gave her as she tried to unwrap herself from the hold Clarke had on her, finally getting herself free from the blonde she leant down to kiss the pout away that quickly formed. "You know I'd rather lay in bed with you but I can't," Climbing out of the bed Lexa reached for her uniform which was folded on the dresser, it had to be crease free or she would get a lecture from her boss.

"Your boss is an ass," Clarke groaned rolling over onto her stomach and pushing her face into Lexa's pillow ignoring the chuckle that came from her girlfriend. "You should just quit," Clarke grumbled before peaking at Lexa as she finished getting dressed.

"I worked hard to get where I am," Lexa shook her head as she finished tucking in her uniform shirt. "I'm not quitting just because my boss is an ass," Lexa walked over and quickly pecked Clarke on the lips before yanking her shoes on and heading to the door. "I'll see you later," Lexa called as she exited the apartment.

It was 6 o'clock in the afternoon and Lexa wouldn't be home until 6 the next morning when Clarke was just leaving to go to her residency, Clarke hated how proud Lexa was when it came to her job - she had worked hard to get where she was but that didn't mean she deserved to suffer for it. Stuffing her face back into Lexa's pillow Clarke groaned.

"She hasn't had a day off in like a month and she is exhausted," Clarke griped to Raven and Octavia who sat opposite of her at the café across the street from the hospital where she worked. "Her boss is an-"

"Ass," Octavia interrupted Clarke with a smirk. "We know, you've said it about ten times and we agree,"

"Yeah - isn't it illegal to not get time off in that long?" Raven asked around a large bite of her sandwich. "If not it should be, lord knows Lexa would work herself to death before asking for time off,"

"Exactly, her stupid pride gets in the way of our alone time!" Clarke practically growled as she flicked a stray chip from her plate. "We haven't had sex in weeks and my hand is not cutting it anymore," Octavia spit her drink out and Raven choked on her sandwich, Clarke blushed as she realized what she had said. "God I'm so frustrated,"

Raven coughed and laughed at the same time desperate for air while Octavia wiped up the spilled drink from in front of her. "I mean Lincoln was a workaholic," Octavia smiled. "Until I did something about it," Mischief in her eyes she leaned forward and placed her chin on her hands staring at Clarke. "Want to know?"

Clarke frowned - it wasn't Lexa's fault she was stuck at work but at the same time it wasn't going to get any better any time soon and Lexa not realizing this was just as bad as the real problem itself. Raven still chuckling shrugged at Clarke who finally nodded looking at Octavia with an expectant gaze.

"I just made him want me more then he wanted his pride," Octavia smiled simply. "Just make Lexa want you more then she wants to be right and she will quit that job so fast," Octavia promised with a sly grin.

"So you sent him nudes at work did you?" Raven giggled as she looked at Octavia who blushed.

"No, almost nudes," Octavia smirked. "Remember that lingerie shop I told you guys about?" Octavia questioned. "I'm a very loyal customer there," Octavia finished her sentence leaning back in her chair, dropping her hands into her lap. "Raven and I will take you," Octavia promised before a protesting Raven could say anything.

The 100 One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora