Less Like a Nightmare(Clexa)

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It hadn't taken long for the nightmares to set in.

It was five days after the war with Mount Weather.

Though they had won, Clarke was filled with a sickening feeling of loss as soon as it was over. Minutes after Cage was killed, she was hit by the memories of all the people they had lost. Wells. Charlotte. Finn.

It was, in fact, another hallucination of the boy that caused her to faint on the return trip to Tondc. She thought she had seen him again, watching her through the woods.

Clarke awoke screaming in Commander Lexa's tent, the warrior watching over her with usually emotionless face, though the narrowing of her eyes and furrowed brow betrayed her almost-concealed concern for the artist.

Clarke gasped for breath, the remnants of the dream still clinging to her. She had seen them all again. Murphy being hung. Charlotte jumping from the cliff. Seeing Wells' corpse. Anya going down beside her. And over and over, she watched Finn die as she slid a knife into his stomach.

"You are awake," Lexa murmured. "I... was concerned."

Clarke smiled a little. The first day, when she had blacked out, she had waken up here as well. The warrior had carried her there herself, and was letting her spend her nights there. There was nothing going on- neither had spoken of the kiss they shared before the battle. Clarke was in Lexa's tent for the company when she awoke from the nightmares, not to mention that she was still trying to avoid Bellamy at all costs. Clarke cared deeply for the boy, as a friend, but knew his affections ran deeper than that. She dreaded having to speak to him about it, as she didn't wish to hurt him, but she knew she could not hide in Lexa's tent forever.

Bellamy did not put her heart in knots at the sight of him and make her feel on fire- Lexa did.

Clarke could no longer deny the feelings she had for the Grounder Commander. She had felt it, before, but now that Lexa had kissed her, she was finding herself burning with- what even was it? Desire? Passion? Love? No- Clarke was still unsure if she was ready for love. But her feelings for Lexa were continuing to grow stronger, and it was extremely apparent that the warrior cared for her as well.

"It was nothing," Clarke said, pushing stray hair out of her face. "Just a bad dream. How late is it?"

Lexa sighed a little. "Middle of the night. Come here, let me braid your hair. It is all in your face."

"No, I-" Clarke tried to protest, but the warrior pulled her closer on the bed and practically shoved the artist in her lap. The Commander began to weave her fingers through Clarke's hair silently.

Clarke closed her eyes, struggling to keep her face from going red. Though, at Lexa's quiet chuckle, it sounded like that didn't work out too well. "Thanks," she mumbled, relaxing into the warrior's strong arms.

Sunlight hit Clarke's face, waking her again. I didn't even realize I was dozing off. She was still curled in Lexa's lap, who had fallen asleep as well; having leaned forward to rest her forehead on Clarke's shoulder. As Clarke stirred a little, Lexa began to wake up too. She raised her head up, a tiny smile pulling at her lips. Then, it disappeared as she realized what happened, and she pulled back suddenly. "Forgive me," Lexa said quickly, making as though to get up. "That was foolish."

"No, wait- it's fine," Clark said, smiling a little. "It's kind of... nice."

Lexa watched her a moment longer, and bit her lip, expression unreadable. For a second, Clarke thought she was going to kiss her again. Instead, Lexa looked away. "I should go out and see how things are. Most of your people went back to Camp Jaha, aside for Octavia, Bellamy, and some of your wounded. The boy has been requesting to see you. He seems to think I'm harming you in here." Lexa pulled away quickly, eyes dark. She rose and turned to leave. "I will see you later. It is time to face your people, Clarke. It's been six days." Lexa exited the ten without looking back.

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