Chapter 20: Blinding Love

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Louis was holding my hand as he dragged me with him to his car. I was still sobbing. I couldn't believe that Matt would do that to me. He's never been like that. He was a great guy and somehow I believe that after all this he still is.

We entered Louis car, Louis was still shaking with rage. I just cried silently. Louis tried to touch me and comfort me but every time I felt his touch on my hand I just kept remembering Matt's strong hold and his touch. It disgusted me. I want to wash it all off, scrub it all off and pretend it never happened, but it did. I also can't get the picture of Matt lying on the floor with a pool of blood around him. He needed help, he may die.

"We need to help him. Bring him to the hospital or something." I quickly told Louis.

"Ashley after what he's done you're still showing him this much mercy. You know I could have killed him there for you after what he has done?"

"Nothing happened okay, so can we just go back and help him he's still my friend."

"A Friend! A friend that tried to disrespect you, a friend who replaced me in Eleanor's life just to have you, is that what you call a friend? I mean what kind of bullshit logic is that?" He told me. I was angry at him, at everyone, at the world. It was just so unfair.

"This is all about you isn't it Louis. Are you happy? Happy that you finally got your revenge on Matt is that it, all this time you were just waiting for him to make the wrong move so you can beat him down to the ground because you're still not over the fact that Eleanor doesn't care about you anymore! He's still my friend and I care about him, maybe it'll be hard for me to forget what he's done but everyone deserves a second chance so I'm going back in there whether you like it or not because I'm not going to let Matt die!"

I stormed out of the car but I never heard him follow so I guess this was the end of all this. I may have hurt him with what I have said but every single day that he talks about Eleanor and he mentions her name is like another dagger stabbed into my heart. I didn't want it to be this way. I never did. All I ever want is for him to actually care about me and call out my name. He didn't save me from Matt because he cared about me. He saved me from Matt to get his revenge. And that's even worse than what Matt has done.

I finally entered the bathroom. Matt was still on the floor unconscious. I kneeled next to him to feel his heartbeat. I let out a sigh of relief to still hear his heart beating. The blood around him was starting to dry up and leave marks on the floor and on his face.

I put his hand over my shoulder and helped him up. I dragged him out and walked him to the closest taxi station. Hailing a cab I shifted from one foot to another to balance his weight. God was this kid heavy.

"To the nearest hospital please." I told the cab driver as we got in. I kept feeling his pulse to assure myself that we still have time.

After five antagonizing minutes in the cab we finally arrived at the hospital. I paid the driver and put Matt's arm over my shoulder again to help him up. Once we were near the hospital door two nurses came to help me and they immediately brought Matt into the emergency room.

I was separated from him when the doctors looked over him. I sat in the waiting area waiting for the doctor to come out. I just hope it's not that bad. The doctor finally came out a few minutes later.

"And you are?" He asked me, holding a pen while writing on a piece of paper.

"I'm his friend and we go to the same university." I answered briefly.

"What happened to the patient?"

"A group of teenage boys beat him up on the street then I didn't really see their faces because they ran away quickly before I had time to chase them.

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