Parted Again (Part 3 of the date)

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this is gonna be long for a make up for not posting a lot recently



I saw Emmie run off.

I know where she is going, a little cove she found, and seeing Zane run off after her, I knew it would be ok, she needs a knight in shining armor right now, cause sometimes BFF's don't cut it, and knowing how slow Zane is, she will probably have a few moments to calm down.

"Do you think she will be ok?" I heard Laurence mumble

"Definetly, she and Zane need to talk anyways, cause I can tell he likes her, and he likes him too" I said swimming closer to him,

"What about you, Do you like me?" I froze, and started to panic and blush at the same time, he started to swim closer to me, and he wrapped his arms around my waist, I could feel his abs on my back, and his breath on my neck, I squirmed a little, now wishing Emmie had come back to save me, but then again, she might tell him, "Its ok that you don't it's just I like you, and I overheard you talking to Emmie and I want to know if it is true" I was dying, and speechless, I started to mumble something but gave up and turned around and kissed him, he was a little bit shocked, but soon he started to kiss back, he was so sweet, and kind. He was my first kiss, my first crush, and I still love him, but now he loves me back. A million thoughts were running through my head, but mostly my need to be with him, slowly my fears melted away and I was lost in him and his love. After awhile, he broke off the kiss, taking a deep breath he asked again, "Do you like me?"

This time I was able to answer, "I don't just like you, I love you, your my bae, my one and only crush, my first kiss, my Senpai<3" and I said this looking him in the eye, put all the emotion in it, the hurt the love, the joy, the happiness.

"Well I am honored, and feel stupid I haven't noticed you before"

"its ok, majority of the time teenage romances don't work"

"True, and you would have to deal with all those jelly girls, and I would feel horrible to put you through that"

"Eh, I have gone through a lot of drama through high school, it wouldn't have been much worse than what I have lived with"

"hey have you found the jellyfish?" he asked

"Nope I think we will leave that to Zane and Emmie, or as I call their ship, ZAMIE, do you want to go the the picnic spot?"

"Yeah just let me change and text Zane, cause if I remember right, I noticed he took a Bag with his phone and a blanket in it"

"Ok, then I will start packing things up, and get a bag to leave some of the stuff for them, do you know where Emmie ran off to?"

"Yep, and maybe later I will show it to you"

"sounds like a plan"



Aaron ran down the stairs, "APH, is everything ok?"

"YASSSSS<3" he come and picks me up, and starts tickling me "OOOOOHHH NO PLEZ STOP"

"THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR SCARING ME," he yells and continues to tickle me

"FIIINNNEEE THEN YOU WON'T GET TO KNOW WHY I WAS SQUEALING" I said very childishly, but he stopped,

"Thank you sweetie pie," I kissed him on the cheek, "Now, you see I had Lucinda make me some potions that would allow me to see what Zane and Emmie are doing, and what Laurence and Sarie are doing, and then I was watching what happened and MY SHIP SAILED!!! Both couples kissed and told each other they love them, almost as romantic as you" suddenly he pinned me to the couch and started to make out with me "mmmm, Aaron, I love you, but plez let me watch my ship"

Back Again, An Aarmau fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن