Worried Again

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Chapter 21


When I finished kissing her I picked her up bridal style and carried her back to our picnic. I lay her down next to me and sit down, "Aaron, I love you so much, you mean the world to me" I heard her murmur before she sat on my lap and started kissing me again, apparently she hasn't had enough, I kiss her for a long time till I noticed the moon was starting to set, this was why I brought her here

"Aph, look out there," she looked toward the moon and was speechless by its beauty. "This is how I felt the first time I saw you, and every time I see you, whether I wake up with you in my arms, or glance back at you across the table"

"Aaron, You shouldn't have, awwwww, you're just so sweet" she started to kiss me again,

"We should head back home before it gets too hot here" I mumble she nodded and started to clean things up quickly, I did the same till our hands were full and we started to head back to the car

I packed things so we could leave them in the car overnight, and drive back home. I was enjoying the silence the look in her eyes and the happiness that words can't say. We got back and before she could open the door I walk around open her door and pick her up bridal style and started to continue our previous kiss. It was sweet, intense, and overwhelming. I carry her back to our bedroom and set her gently on the bed, I turned her on her stomach and started to kiss her neck and unzipping her dress. My kissed trailed down her smooth back until she couldn't handle it and turned around to guide my kisses back to her mouth, she started to slip the tux off and unbuttoning my dress shirt, I started to lay her down and enjoy the rest of her



I breathed in his scent, my head resting on his chest, I loved him so much, I can't wait to see what will happen to our life together. As I slowly start to slip away to my dreams I heard him say, "Aph I love you, and you mean so much to me"

I wake up next to LAURENCE????? "WHERE IS AARON!!!! Where is my ring, what happened"

"Who is Aaron, and I haven't given you a ring yet princess you know we don't have enough money for those types of things" Laurence answers confused

I realize I had nothing but a bra and panties on, I jump out of bed and go through my closet, I slip on my favorite shirt, "why is my shirt so tight around the stomach," I felt a kick, I howled in pain, "SINCE WHEN WAS I PREGANT AND WITH WHO'S CHILD???"

"Aph, I don't know cause you never told me, you just said you needed a father for the child?" Laurence was so confused

I felt like I just wet my pants and looked down, "wait????? It that what I think it is, DID MY WATER JUST BREAK?????" I start screaming my stomach started to cramp, "I grab Laurence, "TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!!!!" I slowly start hobbling out the door cause my stomach was huge. I became out of breath, I finally make it out to the car, and it was Aarons truck, I heave myself in it, Laurence was already there with a bag full of things, before we left I looked back in the house and I could swear this was the house that me and Aaron were just making love in. "GOOOO!!!!" I scream, I try to breathe but it hurts sooo much, my head started to become dizzy and I fainted. I woke up again panting and the doctor said, "It is time to push ma'am, I start to scream, I grip the bed side and start pushing, "ma'am, he's out" I look down at the child and all I saw was Aaron and I started to cry

I wake up to Aaron shaking me, I scream for a few seconds and looked around, we were back in the room, and I looked back at Aaron and he had a concerned look on his face. I let out a huge sigh of relief "Oh it was just a weird dream," I said and started to blush

"You are really bad at lying, what happened, do you want to explain it to me here or while I am making breakfast or while we are eating or while we are watching a movie?"

"I have to choose one don't I... welllll, I just say it now" he pulled me onto his lap and started to rock me, I explain the dream and how it hurt and it scared me, I started to sob, I couldn't stop crying. Tears were streaming down my cheeks and nothing could make me happy, I felt like my grip on reality was slipping, and I was trying to grab it but it just kept slipping. I felt so lost and alone, I started to cry until I fell asleep again. I woke up slowly to Aaron rubbing my back, gently and in a soothing way, just the way he scratched my back, I could tell he loved me and we worried for me.

"Aph, you have been crying and sleeping for 2 days now, you haven't had anything to eat and barely any water for that whole time, I know you're not ok but do you think this is a mental thing?"

I sat up to the smell of food, not because I wanted it but because I was curious, but instantly regretted it as I became really dizzy, my head started to throb and I wanted to just lay back down and cry, but I knew I needed to eat to make sure he wouldn't get worried, so I leaned up against the head board, "I'm Fine, I will just have to fake it, I will get through this phase,"

Aaron got this really worried look on his face but seeing as how I was eating, he didn't say anything, the food was dry, the texture was gross, the smell didn't even smell appealing, and I felt like I was forcing things down my throat. I took two actual bites and played with my food for the rest of it and pretended to chew something, I didn't want to worry him, cause I love him, and I don't want to be a burden. One day I will get out of this dark hole...


so I have been going through a tough time, I am probably depressed but I don't want to be a burden on my family to ask to go back to my therapist, I also don't want to be the helpless one, life is just complicated. life has been busy and my grandparents are staying over the weekend so I will be really stressed out and depressed. wow this week sounds fun, BUT BASICALLY, this might be the last chapter for the week.

anyways, right now Aph is also depressed, one of the struggles of love in a romance book. please note this is not just made up. I will get through this, and so will Aarmau *sigh*



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