Chapter 2

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"So where did you used to go before Dalton?" I asked, still smiling.

"Well I used to go to Mckinley High. Great school actually, but there was someone bothering me there.." He explained.

I nodded, as I listened. But, he seemed uncomfortable when I asked what the person bothered him about. He probably didn't like talking about it. So, I changed the subject to something he seemed to like.. Fashion!

"Oh, well I usually, go to Walmart or Old Navy, and get clothes. Then I just add on. Or as I say. I bedazzle it!" He told me.

I chuckled, as he raised his eyebrows and the looked at the floor. We were almost, to his class when, he noticed Dalton's "Extra Curricular Activities" bulletin board. He grinned, and ran up to it. I ran after him, and looked at what he was about to sign up for. I raised my eyebrows shocked.

He had signed up for exactly, what I was signing up for. Our schools glee club! The Warblers.

Right after, he had signed up I signed my name in cursive quickly. I then, went back to him. He stared at my name on the sign up sheet.

"Yo.. You sing?" He asked, stuttering as we began walking up the stairs.

"Yeah, I was actually surprised to see you sign up too.."

We finally, reached his classroom as, we both finished explaining when we started singing.

"Well this is your stop." I said, sort of disappointed we couldn't have talked more.

Before, he went in he got a yellow sticky note from his backpack, and wrote some numbers on it. He gave it to me, and smiled. As, he gave it to me I blushed, and we stared at eachother for quite awhile. Then, he walked into his classroom.

I sighed, and started walking to my classroom which was luckily only a couple classrooms away. I walked right in, found a desk, and then placed my bag under it. I placed my head on the desk as the teacher talked, and taught us about art.

But, my brain just blew away everything she said. Even though, art was my second favorite subject. But, my thoughts, about were covered over. Making everything I thought about.. Kurt. Kurt. And more Kurt. I imagined him, sitting at a desk beside me, smiling and just gazing into my eyes as, I gazed into his.

She than, handed out sketchbooks to everyone and I just looked at it. I looked around, as everybody was sketching. Dang it! I have no clue what we're doing. I glanced at someone's work, and realized. We're drawing people's faces.

And then, the perfect idea popped into my head. Drawing Kurt Hummel. I smiled, and began sketching my very hardest. Harder then ever before! And it came out, perfect. I stared at it for awhile, and then frowned. I did his hair wrong. I erased, sketched, and then finally went over all of it in a thin tip sharpie.

"Wow! That's amazing, Blaine. Who is it supposed to be?" My best friend, Sebastian told me.

Sebastian has brown short hair gelled upwards a bit, blue eyes, and pale skin. He appeared to be wearing a green sweater, blue skinny jeans, and white sneakers.

"Um.. Just a friend!" I said, than hiding it by flipping the page.

"Hey! The guy was pretty cute. Blaine, we're both friends, come on. You can tell me if that is a picture of your crush."

I frowned. And his eyebrows lowered. I was about to tell him, but suddenly, the bell rang. He rolled his eyes, took his bag, and ran out. I flipped the page again, and looked at my picture. I speedily, wrote down "To Kurt" and right below it "From Blaine" with a smiley face beside, it.

I walked right out the classroom door, and bumped right into Kurt. Papers, and books went flying. Kurt was on the floor, and so was I.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Blaine! Totally my fault." He muttered picking things up.

"No,no,no. It's my fault Kurt. Wasn't looking out." I replied helping out.

He suddenly, noticed my sketch of him and picked it up.

"No!" I shouted.

But, he already saw it. He realized, my signature, and raised his eyebrows.

"This is really good Blaine! But.. Why did you draw me?" He asked me, confused.

As soon, as he said that my brain went blank. How do I answer that.. I can't tell him how I feel. I mean we only just met! But, I have to at least answer.

"Well.. I uh... Sort of just.. I just thought about making your face! And.. Then, my friend told me it was a good idea so I.. Um.. Did it!"

I stuttered so much. He's going to think I'm so weird. Or so I thought.. Instead, he just stared at me and smiled. He folded it up, and then put it in his pocket.

"I love it!" He said, with so much enthusiasm.

I smiled back, and he asked if I wanted to possibly go out for coffee. I agreed, and we went on our way. On our way, out for lunch Sebastian saw us. He glared at Kurt for some awkward reason, and then looked at me and, his frown turned into a grin.

I thought about something.. Was Sebastian gay like me? Maybe. I mean it's possible he's just afraid to show it. But, was it also possible that he had feelings for me, just. Feelings that he knew I didn't have for him? Perhaps, he was jealous.. But, honestly who cares.

He and I were JUST FRIENDS. I don't like him the way he likes me. I love Kurt. Kurt and I may have only just met. But, I loved him. Even if he didn't love me back. Even, if he wasn't gay. But..

I still hope he is. And has some sort of feelings for me. Any. I just love him that much. I want him, like Sebastian might want me. Even more.

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