A Party To Celebrate A Curse

Start from the beginning

When I reached his side, he held out a hand as his grin melted into a small smile, tucking my hand through his arm and leading me onto the "dance floor"; it was actually the living room, but we'd had all the furniture moved to make room for dancing and tables for the food. It was customary to dance the first dance of the night with your escort- which would usually be the father of the new Shifter- and I had a,sneaking suspicion that, not only had he known about the tradition, Luc had planned it that way.

"Can we get something a little faster, more upbeat?" Luc smirked at Filomena as she lounged behind the turntable, currently playing a slow waltz; turns out, Filly liked to spend her time DJing. She raised a brow between us, silently asking if I was good with whatever she'd play.

Nodding, I squealed as Luc tugged me against him, my face slamming against his pec; then, we were dancing as the fast-moving music of Macy Gray's Hands filled the room through the speakers. The song was fast, but Luc and I were faster as I followed him across the room; who knew dancing could make a guy so much hotter?!?

In seemingly no time at all, he twirled me out of his arms then right back in with a smirk as I blew out a breath; then, he pulled me into his arms bridal style for a mere second before practically slinging me around across his back then around onto the ground on his other side, almost like the jitter-bug. Somewhat dazed, I giggled as he twirled me out of his arms and right back in, again, before dipping me, clenching my thigh in his hand around his hip. ((A/N: I have no idea how to dance, have no rhythm whatsoever, so just watch the video and go with it!))

As the crowd went wild and the song faded out, I couldn't help but grin up at him even as I dodged his searching lips; didn't he know that we had to stay a secret?!? At the brush of his lips merely on my cheek, however, I almost demanded that he throw me over his shoulder and take me upstairs- almost...

"I didn't know you could dance!" His eyes were bright with laughter as he hooked an arm carefully across my shoulders, not wanting to draw too much attention to us, and led me through the now crowded dance floor to the breakfast bar that was serving as the alcohol bar; raising s brow down at me, his eyes slowly took me in, as if I were just the tall drink of water he needed. "If I let you get drunk again, baby, can you promise not to make a habit of it?!?"

"Firstly, Luciano, she's only 18; secondly, thanks so much for asking me if you could escort my daughter!" Daddy stood behind us, arms crossed with a glare in his eyes as he looked between us; goddess what exactly had he heard?!? Even as I thought that, I smiled uneasily as he tugged me against him, kissing the side of my head. "Hi, baby girl! Enjoying your party?"

Nodding, I quickly grabbed the shot glass of Wolfsbane as the bartender of the night slid it across the island to me; glancing between my Mate and my father, I winked at each of them before tipping the shot glass back. "I am now!"

If only I'd known then about how my night would end up...


Stalking out into the middle of the dance floor in front of Luc as Hands once again played through the speakers, I sent him a saucy wink over my shoulder and paused, waiting for the slow poke to catch up; while I waited, I moved my hips to the beat as my ass bounced like I didn't know was possible.

"You keep shaking that ass like that, baby, and you might just find yourself over my shoulder," he murmured huskily, breath hot against my ear as he stood flush against me, back to chest; I was practically grinding against him as he returned the favor, fingers laced with mine with low growls vibrating through his chest. Then, he twirled me out and right back in to his arms before dipping me and eying the cleavage that was practically in his face; pulling me back to a standing position, he flipped my hair over my shoulder and ran his nose from the side of my neck down the side of my shoulder and over the curve of my ass.

My ass once again began its quick, bouncing beat as he stood behind me, his crotch ever present against my body. Goddess! Then, his hands followed the trail that his nose had just taken as he growled quietly, teeth nipping at my earlobe. "Are there panties under that dress, baby?!?"

About to make my Mate's damn day, I broke off with a gasp as a face appeared just behind Luc's shoulder; oh shit, shit was about to hit the damn fücking fan! "May I cut in?"

Why did we have to throw a party just because I'd Shifted?!? If we hadn't thrown a party, my Mate, almost still kinda sorta boyfriend, and I wouldn't be going through this right now...

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