Still, I couldn't help the goofy grin that practically pulled my face in half; now that I'd more or less finally, honestly, forgiven him, I could enjoy the fact that we'd Mate- we'd Mated, not just had sex. Sex was for humans who didn't have the luxury, or understand the deep connection, of having a soul mate; Mating was that first time that a pair of Fated Wolves' came together as one physically, mentally, and emotionally, whether in human or Wolf form. Luc and I had Mated!

Holy hell, Luc and I had Mated! I was of age now, had my Wolf now, so I knew that my parents would eventually smell us on each other, and see my Mark; what would we do then?!? Daddy would kill him, but he would kill Daddy first just because he could; Momma would kill me for not talking to her about everything, and I would kill myself from boredom and embarrassment... The question was, how long did we have until one, or both, of my parents realized we'd Mated, and what would happen after that?!?

Maybe my Wolf, or even more luckily both of our Wolves', would know that my parents couldn't find out anytime soon, and they'd somehow help mask our scents- maybe, assuming that was even possible. I did know one thing: Luc was mine and no one, not even my parents, would ever take him away from me again, no matter what.

'That is the spirit, darling! Always remember that, and that Luc feels the exact same way for you!' With a happy, quiet howl, my Wolf retreated to the far corner of my mind and left me alone again.

If she'd stuck around, maybe I could've used our combined senses to realize what was about to happen...


Gently brushing my fingertips of the bruises that covered my skin, I froze as a warm arm wrapped around my waist and tugged me backwards against a muscular chest; when had he gotten in here?!? His nose buried in my hair with a deep inhale even as his fingers bunched it into his fist and tilted my head back, leaving my throat exposed to his tongue. "Are you trying to wash yourself of me, little one?!?"

His voice was a husky, angry growl deep in his throat as he glared down at me, eyes taking their time to linger on each bruise and every hickey; his lips lifted into a smirk, and I knew he was proud of himself for putting his mark of ownership upon my skin, never mind my actual Mark. Hell, even I was proud of my Mark!

Staring up at that smirk, it was all I could do not to tug it between my teeth and tease him; his own eyes lowered to my now practically glazed over ones as he slowly spun me to face him, using his free hand to curve around my throat. "If you're trying to wash yourself of me, trying to forget what we've done, I can assure you that all of your efforts will fail."

The gentle squeeze of his hand around my throat tugged me flush against him, from head to toe, as a quiet moan bubbled between my lips; goddess, that erection of his was such a temptation... "These marks," he murmured, pulling me away from my naughty thoughts, as his hand released my hair to trace the bruises on my skin, "are mine. I did this." His finger trailed higher to run over each hickey that his tongue had made, "And this..." Then, his finger brushed over my Mark- my actual Mark- and I almost cäme on the spot. "And I did this."

If I thought his finger against my Mark was orgasmic, I had no clue what his tongue or teeth was... Unable to keep the moan from spilling from my lips, I flashed him a grateful smile as he covered my mouth with his hand, a smirk of his own touching his lips. "We don't wanna wake your parents, do we, little one?!?"

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