"You make a terrible me."

Começar do início

"Fakin' da funk."

Annick bursted into laughter.

"I honestly can't with you right now."

"And yours?"

"The imitation game."

"Oooh sophisticated."

"Yep that's me. Sophisticated Annick."

"So I heard you didn't really wanna be a lawyer."

"Nah...but my dad kept pressuring me and pressuring me so I thought fuck it, we're going to law school."

"Is your dad that high maintenance kind of guy."

"I guess you can say that. He just wants his kids to turn out successful. He got some of that. Son went to medical school, daughter went to law school....last son wants to be a rapper."

"Oh dear..."

"That's what I said."


"Okay, where am I going?" Randy asked, ready to type in whatever location in the GPS.

Daysia just typed it in for him.

"There." She said.

While he drove, he tried to make small talk with Daysia.

"Um...you look nice today."

"Shut up." She chuckled.


"I wasn't serious." Daysia said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Hm..so how long have you and Annick known each other?"

"Well, I'd say a decade and five years." She said.

"Well I see why Jeffery and you are compatible, you guys have that calculator voice." He chuckled.

"Hey before I was dating, my gpa was my boyfriend..having all A's was just a must."

"Did you get out much in high school?" He quirked an eyebrow.

"Did you?" She smirked.

"On my own I guess. Although I did spend a lot of time with my best friend, Quinton."

"Quinton? That sounds like a black name." Daysia said, squinting her eyes.

"Yeah...he was."

"Oh well look at you. They say every white boy's life isn't complete until they got a black best friend. I wonder if James has one."

"Probably not. That'll explain why he acts the way he does."

Daysia chuckled.

"To answer your previous question...I didn't go out much unless with my girls. I wasn't a fan of dates since all the boys that wanted me were outside my race."

"Did you refuse to date outside your race?"

"I didn't feel comfortable with it after Troy if you know what I mean."

He just nodded.

"When was the last time you cut your hair?" Daysia randomly asked.

"I'd say five-six months ago."

"You like it long?"

He shrugged.

"I've never really cared for it, therefore, I've never really cut it."

"I miss my hair most days."

"I think your hair looks cool."

"Shut up." She smirked, rolling her eyes.

Culturally BiasedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora