Chapter 7: A Walk Along the Shore

Start from the beginning

As the rest of the warriors gathered around me, I told everyone about the fight with the empousa, and what Iroas had told me about Epsilon's destucto mode and him healing me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Iroas carrying Epsilon into what must've been his room. Then he came out and stood by the front door.

When I had finished recounting the events, Silena had tears in her eyes and a few of the others were sniffling.

'I can't believe he's probably gone and got himself killed for something so stupid,' one of the girls grumbled. I could swear I'd heard her voice before.

Iroas laughed quietly, 'Why, Drakon. Never knew you cared.'

Drakon stiffened and looked around as the rest of the warriors started snickering at her, 'I, well, he ... he's the commander. Who would lead us if he died?'

'I would,' Iroas announced, stepping forward, 'You all know that Epsilon left me as second in command. If he dies, the duty falls to me.'

The warriors bobbed their heads and nodded in agreement. Except for Drakon who stared at her feet.

'Drakon,' Iroas crossed his arms.

'I suppose I'd have to,' she mumbled.

I turned to Drakon. It felt like a good time to say something. 'Have I met you before? You sound so familiar.'

She glared at me from under her hood. Maybe not such a good time.

But then she softened slightly, 'Yeah. You've met me before. I use to go to camp here. We did several little projects together.'

My mind kicked into action. Use to go to camp, did a project together, along with that familiar voice ...

My eyes widened. I suddenly knew who this girl was.

'I, you-you're alive!' I stuttered in awe.

'Yeah I am,' she pulled her hood down, revealing a very old friend who was also one of the missing spirits from 10 years ago.

'I gotta say, its nice to finally be able to take that hood off,' Clarisse smirked.

Luke's POV

I didn't stick around after Clarisse revealed herself. Sure, it was a miracle when Annabeth ran straight over and they clasped each others arm, talking in rapid fire girlish.

I wandered down to the beach, where Percy always used to go to think.

I sat down on the sand and looked out at the ocean. The tide chased playfully after the sandy shore and then ran back out, over and over. The calm, still water glistened like a jewel in the light of the early afternoon sun.

I sighed deeply. What was I suppose to do now? Wait until Percy died, then assume his position as commander? I felt like I was taking advantage of the situation. I didn't want to be commander. That was Percy's role. How could I just let him die?

I got up and started walking the length of the beach. I stared at the horizon until my eyes burned. I was just thinking about taking off my hood for a while, when I saw a silhouette of a man sitting on sand with his head and his hands.

I walked over cautiously. When I was 3 feet away, the man looked up and I caught my breath.

It was Poseidon!

Except his looked very different. His once black hair and beard was now snow white, and the smile lines around his eyes were joined by many others all over his face. He wore Greek battle armour, but the metal was faded, dented and dusty. His green eyes that use to twinkle like Percy's did whenever he was excited, were dim and sad.

Epsilon and his Army of Chaos (Watty's 2013) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now