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   "I'm proud of you," I said to Jade on our walk home. My head had stopped bleeding, but I was in need of a shower. I had a hood up, so if anyone had seen me walking, the blood in my blonde hair wouldn't be seen.

Jade nodded and we continued home. When we arrived home, I immediately took a shower. I didn't show any signs of a concussion, but I knew I should stay up for a few hours just to make sure.

When I got out of the shower, Jade was sitting on my bed. I smiled upon seeing her in her pajamas. I climbed into bed and leaned over to give Jade a kiss, but at last moment she turned her head.

My expression turned into one of confusion, and I slouched back down in my spot waiting for Jade to speak.

"I'm scared," she said with a trembling voice.

"Of what?" I asked.

"Myself," she quietly answered. I looked over at her as a single tear ran down her cheek.

"But you didn't do anything; you told Mason to get out. You did good right?" I tried to comfort her as I grabbed her hand.

She shook her head. "My thoughts, my intentions were bad, and that's what matters. I didn't go through with them, and I know that I have at least some white in my wings left, but I'm too scared to check them. What if I only have one white feather left? I don't want to be completely evil," she cried.

"We can check them together. Jade, evil or not, I'm here for you," I squeezed her hand. "You've changed my life in ways I could never repay you for. You've opened my eyes to things beyond explanation."

Although crying, she smiled. Hand-in-hand, we walked into the bathroom to look in the mirror. She began taking off her shirt, and I waited.

"Wait! Before you look," I said as I moved towards her. I used my hands to wipe her eyes. "Smile for me." She smiled, and a smile broke out onto my face. "Beautiful," I said before moving away.

   She stood in front of the mirror, and her wings sprouted from her back. When she saw them, she let out a loud gasp. She turned around and collided her body with mine as she began crying again. Her feeble arms wrapped around me as she retracted her wings. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly against me.

Her wings were all black with the exception of a few white feathers at the bottom of them. A sight she would never be prepared to see just presented itself to her.

"Jade, it'll be okay. You'll be okay." I said to her to try and soothe her sobs. "We'll be okay," I muttered. Her cries didn't cease, but they slowed after a few minutes.

   "It won't be okay," her voice faltered. She moved away from me and slipped on her shirt.

   "It is. You don't know that you would be dangerous, and it wouldn't make sense to hurt the people close to you," I tried to reason with her, but she wouldn't listen.

"It's not safe; I'm dangerous," she said, "I'm not safe around anyone." Jade paused before saying,  "I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Perrie."

"We're going to talk about this in the morning," I said as she left. "Goodnight, Jade."

I walked into my room and climbed into my bed. I hadn't known Jade for that long, but I feel as if we have a bond that shouldn't be broken. I had trouble sleeping; I worried about Jade's well being for the majority of the night. Eventually, I was able to drift off to sleep.

I awoke with a yawn and climbed out of bed. I found some clothes to wear for the day. I walked out of my room with the hope that Jade had woke up in a better mood. The house was silent, so I assumed Jade was still sleeping, but as I walked into the kitchen, I found a note sitting on the table. It read:

Perrie, I'm dangerous. I couldn't be so selfish as to put you in danger. I'm sorry, but I had to leave. You said it wouldn't make sense to hurt people close to you, and I agree, but it's what fallen angels do. I know because I watched my father go through it. I had watched him as he made a good friend on earth, only to end up hurting her in a way she could never forgive. Disgusted with himself, he turned himself in, so he wouldn't hurt another person. You said I don't know that I'd be dangerous, but someone is dead because of me. I'm being punished, and no one deserves to be punished with me, so I had to leave. I took your purple jacket and some food and water. I left some money beside this to make up for it. I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye in person. Goodbye, Perrie.

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