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    "Perrie! Why are you here? W-Where's Leigh-Anne?" Jade asked as I came into her view. She was standing outside the restaurant holding her jacket to her body. I saw the frown set into her face as she realized what was happening.

"She had to cancel," I said. Jade's eyes looked down at her feet.

"Why?" She sadly asked.

"It doesn't matter." She looked up, and I could see tears welling up in her eyes. She took a step away front the restaurant, but I grabbed her wrist gently. "You still have the reservations right? Let's go enjoy the restaurant."

    She blinked back tears and nodded at me as we entered the restaurant. "Party for two, Thirlwall," she said to the waitress. The waitress nodded, and looked down.

   "I'm sorry, ma'am, but it seems you're late for your reservation. The table has been filled already. You'll have to make another reservation," the waitress said and Jade sighed. She turned around and ran out of the restaurant. I followed in suit trying to catch her. When I got outside, I found her sitting on the curb. I sat beside her, she looked over at me, and I noticed the tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Everything was supposed to be perfect, but now it's just all ruined," she sadly muttered.

"Jade, life on earth is like this. It beats you up and tears you down, but somehow you have to overcome your obstacles, and I know you have the strength to do so. I've seen you in excruciating pain before, and sometimes emotional pain can be worse, but pain fades, and you'll move on. The bad days make the good days feel better, and the good days help you strive to get through the bad days. We can still go eat," I pointed to the McDonalds across the street. "Let's go," I said standing and reaching out my hand for Jade to take.

    Jade looked up at me through sad eyes before wiping her cheeks. She took my hand to help her up, and then we walked to the fast food restaurant. We walked inside, and I told Jade to sit at a table while I ordered our food.

After the food came, I sat down with Jade and began talking.

"Tell me about your family," I said after a few moments.

She hesitated before she began speaking. "When I was ten years old, my mother was pregnant with my baby brother, and when it was time to give birth, she passed away, and the baby didn't make it either-"

   "Angels can die?" I asked.

    Jade chuckled. "Angels and humans are the same with the exception of a few differences: the glowing eyes, the wings, and our brains. An angel's brain is wired to always be good. However, the good is not guaranteed. For example, I did a bad thing, and the heavens wasted no time in removing me."

"I have a theory!" I happily stated. Jade laughed and I continued talking. "What if the darkness is actually an angel's brain converting to a human's brain, and the angel isn't used to it, so they do bad things?"

She nodded. "It's possible I guess, but no one has ever proved that theory." she paused, "And now as I was saying, after my mom died, my dad became distant and uncaring. He placed me in Jesy's household to live because I reminded him too much of my mom. That's why Jesy and I are so close." I listened closely as we ate.

"Do you know what became of your dad?" I questioned.

"He lost motivation in a lot of things, and became careless with protecting. He made a mistake, and was placed on earth. I watched over him for a while. He gave in to the darkness, and he's at a prison somewhere. I don't know which one or where; it happened too long ago to remember." she explained.

"Love," I mumbled. Jade looked at me with a confused expression and waited for me to continue. "I don't know about the others, but in your case and in your father's case, love is what drove you to your mistakes."

Her facial expression showed concentration as she thought about what I had just said. She nodded and continued to eat.

The rest of the time spent eating was spent with light conversation as we made each other laugh. The conversations weren't that funny, and we were louder than we should've been, but we didn't care. The laughter was comforting, and if Jade was laughing after Leigh-Anne didn't show up, I knew I was doing something right.

   Time passed, and eventually it was time to return home. On the walk home, Jade and I belted out songs from Disney movies. People probably hated us, but that was the least of our worries.

   When we entered our household, I told Jade goodnight and I went to my bedroom. I got ready for bed and shut off my light. As I began getting comfortable in my bed, I heard a knock at the door. "Perrie? Are you awake?" Jade's voice came from beyond the door.

   "Yeah," I shouted back. "Is something wrong?"

   "T-there's something I-uh want to tell you," she stuttered.

Angelic // JerrieWhere stories live. Discover now