I smile at them both, "I will, now scoot or I wont finish" they both laugh, wave their good byes and close my office door. I smile, they are a great couple, Gray and Jamie have been together since high school and it seems that everyday they are more in love with each other, their lives are so different from mine, while they bask in pure love's bliss I bask in pure stress and headache.Two weeks have past since I decided to be civil to Dmitry and I must say that it has not been going well, no matter how hard I try to just be relax and play the part of cool indifference around him I can't, he puts me on edge at all times and I can't stand it.

Its not like he has been badgering me for sex, in fact we haven't had any type of sexual contact since what happened in his room two weeks ago, I though he would have been constantly after me for it but he no, he is rather calm about the whole thing, yet deep down I know that something is brewing inside of him, I can feel it when he stands close to me, I can see it when he stares at me with unbridled lust shinning in his eyes, whenever I am at the house I can tell when he is staring, I can feel the burn cinching at my skin, the heat from his stares feels like a slow caress of fire sliding along my flesh in a gentle uncontrolled manner.

It has me on edge, I can tell that he wants me, its as clear as day in those dark smokey eyes of his, yet he does nothing but stare, showing his intentions but not acting on them, the waiting game he is playing is killing me because I feel like a sitting duck just waiting to be shot while not knowing how and when it will happen. Its really uncomfortable but I can put up with it, especially now that he has turn out to be a good father, him and Sienna have really began to bond, she loves and respect him and I can tell that he loves her too, there is nothing she can't get him to do, about three (3) days ago she told him she wanted a tea party with everyone, he said she would get it. I thought it was going to be a child's tea party. Wrong. When everything was set up, it looked like the tea party fit for a queen.

All of us in the house were invited and we were treated to the whole English tea party shabam, lets just say that it was the best tea party ever and she would never forget it for as long as she live, she is very taken with him and he is even more taken with her, my mom commented on it days before the tea party, I had refuse to believe her when she said that he had a daughter complex but after that tea party I was force to rethink my denial. The man has a major daughter complex, one that has surpassed my dad's and that is saying something because everyone who is close to my dad know that he has a huge complex for his sons but I say nothing about it, they need to bond and I will let them, its funda............ Ring, ring, ring.

The sound of my phone interrupts my thoughts, I gaze down at it and see his name flashing across the screen, "Hello", "Hi dammy, are you coming home now?" ask my Bun-bun, "Yes sweety, dammy is shutting down the computer right now and then I will be on my way. Have you eaten already?" I ask, "Yes dammy, daddy made spaghetti and meat", "Did you like it?" without hesitation she answers, "Yes, it was very tasty, I also had fruits and water. Daddy also give me a shower and brush my teeth. We are only waiting for you. I want you to read for me dammy" she says her voice low, "That's great baby, I am glad that you are enjoying your time with daddy, don't fret, dammy will be there soon to read for you okay" she is quiet for a while I can hear murmurs in the background, then, "Okay dammy, see you soon, love you" I smile, "I love you too sweety" and then she hangs up.

I quickly shut down my computer, fortunately I got everything done, Gray won't need to worry about the administrative side of the business when he comes in, it has already been taken care off, plus he don't like to do office work, he rather be in the kitchen cooking, I rather be there too but for now one of us has to do the administrative side of the business until we are ready to hire someone for that position. Anyway enough about work, its time I get home to my daughter. After making sure that everything is shut off and the whole place is lock tight and secure, I hurried over to my car, slide into the drivers seat and start her up.

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