I stood there unable to move trying to process it all his words before facing him but I had very little time to do so because soon he was crashing into me with our little princess in his arms, immediately all the words he said disappeared and worry flood my system, before I could even ask what was going on his defenses skyrocket and he immediately attacked. Luckily it didn't go further than a few words, once he saw that I was more interested in our princess than what had went on between us he slowly calmed down.

I must say that it was eyeopening to see him parenting our little girl, everything around him disappeared but our Sienna, it was calming to see him put her fears to rest, truthfully I would not have known what to do in that situation, I might have made it worse because I got suck in by her fear and worry, whereas he seemed to not be affected at all, I even asked him about it and what he answered shocked me. He had hid his worry so well when she was awake, I ended up assuming that it was not there but that thought quickly changed when he answered my question and I could not help but admire and agree with him.

If it was left to me I was not going to send her to school because of my fear of her getting hurt or not being able to fit in but he also put my worries to rest in that calm motherly fashion of his. Now I understand the bond between them, its a beautiful thing to witness and to be a part off, his love for her is evident in everything that he does, he can even treat me kindly when it comes to our Sienna. In that very moment it was as if we never had any issues to begin with, even when we both took our princess to her first day of school we were able to hold an amicable conversation though when she left his defenses came back but he still maintain a cordiality between us. I can dare say that when we parted ways to go to work it was as okay as okay can get.

I would love it to last, God how I would love it to last but I know that it wont at least not right now. I can already see what he is doing, his change behavior is only for the benefit of our daughter, he is nice to me because he has no other choice. I know for a fact that he would rather push me in front of a moving train than to be nice to me by choice and the way he word his sentences are jus......,"I can now see why you can't get over him, for one, he is not a pushover and he knows how to hold his own against us, plus he has the sharpest tongue I have ever encountered and he definitely is not afraid to use it. How can he insult you and be nice about in the same sentence?" Niko says in our mother tongue, interrupting and voicing my thought while dropping down into the chair in front of my desk.

I drop the paper I was pretending to read and level my gaze on him, "I understand his hate towards me but I don't get his hate towards you Niko and I've been meaning to ask about what happened between you and him last night when you both were on the other side of the room before dinner. What did you two discuss that made him walked away from you with anger written all over his face?" his gaze shifts away from mine, "Niko tell me. What did you say to Zion?" he sigh running his finger through his hair, "After you two argued I told him that he should just forget about the past and move on, but he rather nicely told me to 'Shove my advice where the sun don't shine and to not get into his business', I must admit his answer shocked me, I never expected him to say something like that. I mean when I first met him that time at the hotel I thought he was the meekest most innocent guy I had ever se......." immediately I cut him off;

"Hotel? What are talking about Niko? Yesterday was the first time you both met right? So what are you talking about?" his eyes widen at my questions and it seems like he did not want to answer, but I guess the expression on my face has him quickly responding "Well today is not the first time we met, rather we met years ago a few weeks after you broke it off with him" he sigh again closing his eyes then continue, "Dimka, he came back looking for you and let me tell you he was a complete mess, his eyes were swollen, hell even his face was swollen, he was shivering because he didn't even have on the proper clothes for the weather, he even went........... Forget it, he was just a mess Dimka and I told him........" I interrupted once again;

WILL YOU FORGIVE (ManxMan/MPreg.)Where stories live. Discover now