☡ chapter forty-three ☡

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thanks Ilysm


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^^ oh hey it's me

word count: 445


Zayn had been working all night on redoing the alley for Friday. It was only Monday, but hell, Zayn had to get this perfect.

               People tried to tell him to go to the club and dance and practice, but he said fuck it. This was getting somewhere. "Whoa, it looks amazing, Zee," Liam walked in and looked at the half-finished portrait of Niall with the lights faced that way. "I'm hoping it'll get him to see that I do want to start over.." Zayn sighed and pulled a cigarette out.

             "I knew you liked him from the start," Liam scoffed and Zayn rolled his eyes. "I love him. I do... God, I wish he would just see that I'm a dick but I would do anything if he asked me to." Zayn looked at the painting and Liam pouted. "At least you know he loves you back." Liam offered and Zayn shrugged. "I guess.. I just want to prove myself." He stepped on the fag and extinguished the small flame.

              "I wish I would have realised this sooner.. Fuck." Zayn sighed and Liam rubbed Zayns back. "You got this, okay? I believe in you." Liam smiled and Zayn got his paint brush back and ready. He was going to make sure Niall knew he loves him.


            "I don't think I'm that into consideration," Niall muttered as he walked out of the bar. God knows what he was talking about. He was just muttering things to get everything off of his mind. His phone shrieked and he answered it quickly.

"What Zayn."
"I'm on my way to pick you up... It's urgent."
"No. No. Yo-you can't just stand me up two weeks ago, leaving me drunk every night and try to come back. No."
"Niall-- I-- please. You fucking twat, please."
"Zayn, I-"
"I love you, for goddamn sake. Please let me.. Just 10 minutes."
"I... Love you.. T-Too.."

           The phone hangs up and Niall swerved back to his side of the road. His mind was racing and he could barely even think. He drove in silence and he wanted to scream. Why does Zayn always do this?
Niall's eyes squint at the bright light in front of him. Suddenly, his eyes jerk open when he realised he was on the wrong side of the road.

           "FU-" Niall couldn't finish before he collided into another car. One that looked really familiar. And as soon as Niall realised the man in the car was Zayn, his vision drained itself from his eyes.

Toxic (Ziall Horlik)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora