☡ chapter twenty-three ☡

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A/n: this chapter made me smile because we all need a Lil Ziall fluff amongst the drama.

Somewhat sexual content ahead. Read at your own risk. xx

word count: 1,622


The first thing Niall did when he went out to Walmart was but Theo the bubbles he promised. Niall got the largest kind he could find and knew Theo would be impressed.

            As he gathered a few essentials and a couple of candy bars, he went to the check out line. "Can't wait for the cold weather to be over." His brunette cashier speaks. His name tag read 'Marcus'.

         "Preach." Niall sighed as he placed the items on the counter. "Cold weather makes me grumpy." Marcus says with a grunt and Niall laughed. "Retweet." Niall said and Marcus finished bagging up Niall's things. "That's fifty-seven pounds." Marcus said and Niall handed the money over. "Have a good day." Marcus beamed and Niall nodded. As he walked to his car and finalised loading the bags, his phone rang.

"Theo? Wha-- why do you have your dads phone?"
"Uhm, d-daddy is hiding in the bathroom."
"What? Are you playing a game?"
"Yeah but he didn't come out."
"I'll be there soon, okay? Maybe he's in another room."

          Niall gets home and Theo runs out and into Niall's arms. "Did you get my bubbles?" Theo asked and Niall smiled down at the four-year-old. "I did. Here, put this on and you can play with them on the porch." Niall takes his jacket off and hands it to Theo.

          Niall unloaded the car with only seven bags and sat then on the dinning room table. "Greg? I'm back. Theo thinks your hiding." Niall called out. He knew Greg was home because his car was still there. "Greg?" Niall asked and knocked on the bathroom door. He tried to open it but it was locked.

          "Greg, seriously, this isn't funny." Niall pushed on the door with his shoulder. He got a knife from the kitchen and wiggles it where the lock is. "Greg, you're a real fun--" Niall stops when the door bursts open and Greg was hanging from a hook on the ceiling with a noose around his neck.

          "No, no, no," Niall chanted as he pulled Greg off by lifting his legs. "Greg? wake up!" Niall whispered and shook him. His face was blue and his neck was bent in an odd shape. "Greg. Please." Niall's eyes brimmed with tears as he looked at the note written on the mirror with an expo marker.

'I'm sorry. I love you both.'

         Niall's breathing hitched and he found it hard to swallow. "Okay, okay," Niall tried to calm himself as he pushed himself away from Greg's body and shut the door. He got his phone and dialled for an ambulance and he walked into the living room.

           "Fuck." Niall grabbed at his hair and Theo walked in with a red, runny nose. "Can you get daddy to get me some hot chocolate?" Niall asked and Niall's heart ached and hammered. "H-How about I call Louis and ask him to take you to get some?" Niall offered and Theo clapped excitedly and ran back outside. He quickly rang Louis.

"Louis, Louis-- fuck, I need-- he-"
"Niall, what's wrong?!"
"Greg. Greg's.. Fuck, he committed suicide and Theo thinks he-- shit Louis!"
"Stop crying, Niall. I'm on my way home. I'll be there in two hours."
"I need Theo to leave."
"Shit, Ni. Fuck. I'm sorry-"
"No, no... Just--- Just hurry."
"Okay. Bye."

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