☡ chapter thirty-eight ☡

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A/n: Guys, I'm trying so hard to update. You can ask Kat, my wifi sucks ass. PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME. xx


word count: 1441________________________________

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word count: 1441


Niall stood in one spot staring at a bag of Blue Doritos and Red Doritos. He was about to cry from the decision he had to make. The biggest one of his life.

"Dammit, Niall. Get the red," Louis grabbed the red back and Theo gasped and pointed at Louis's mouth, "Swear!" He yells and Louis laughed. "What if I wanted cool ranch? Huh?" Niall whined and Louis threw the chips in the bag and they all got into the car after paying for the small snacks.

"The real reason why you moved from America was because of Donald Trump, wasn't it?" Louis asked and Niall groaned. "I have never disliked a man so much. Hilary Clinton needs to not. Vote John Kasich," Niall pointed mater-of-factly. "Too American for me. Try Austin." Louis chuckled and Louis took a chip from the bag. "You ready to stay with Austin, Theo?" Niall asked the boy and Theo smiled excitedly.

"Where are we going?" Niall asked with a smile looking at Louis. "You are going out, my good sir." Louis tapped Niall's nose. "Toxic?" Niall asked quickly and Louis sighed. "We can go to Bottom Feeders, if that's what you want." Louis offered and Niall stayed quiet and in thought. Niall let a sigh escape his lips and he looked at Louis. "Toxic is fine," Niall licked his lips and Louis smiled, "as long as Liam is there." Louis nodded to Nialls request and cheered.

"Did you watch the rest of Gossip Girl?" Louis asked Niall and Niall gasped. "NO. Don't tell me what's happened." Niall begged and Theo laughed. "Was... Uh... Was it true?" Niall asked in all seriousness. "Was what true?" Louis asked. "About Greg." Niall swallowed thickly and Louis frowned sympathetically.

"Who's Greg?" Theo asked. Niall licked his lips and his heart was beating hard against his chest. "Your dad, Theo. Don't you remember? Every Christmas me, you, Nan, Louis, Harry, your mum, and your dad would all lay back at the house," Niall explained. Theo's eyebrows furrowed together.

"Louis, reach in the glove department and grab the folded piece of paper." Niall ordered and Louis did as he was told. Niall handed it to Theo and Theo opened it. "Remember when you drew me that when I came back from UNI?" Niall asked and Theo slowly nodded.

"I never thought I could take care of him, you know? He doesn't have a mother figure in his life and I'm still growing up." Niall said to Louis. "You're doing amazing. You really are." Louis rubbed Niall's arm warmly and Niall looked at Theo. "I love you, Niall." Theo looked up and Niall smiled at him. "I love you more, Thee."

Toxic (Ziall Horlik)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora