☡ chapter sixteen ☡

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A/n: This is short as fuck but I'm stressed. But you guys are lacking with comments! You can do better than that. 😈

word count: 482


Niall thought if he didn't get inside soon, he'd have hypothermia. The weather was freezing and he was outside of the dorm at three in the morning with all of the boys.

         There was a gas leak in the dorm causing all boys to be outside. "I'm about to die." Niall whined and wrapped the small blanket around him tighter. "I feel you." A boy from Maths agreed with him. He glanced over the crowd and found Harry and Louis sitting on a bench cuddled together. He wanted to walk over and talk to them. He hated this.

         "Alright, all boys will have to sleep in the school building. School is cancelled tomorrow." The headmaster announced and Niall breathes a sigh of relief. "But, prefects will be watching over you all." The headmaster adds and it earned a couple of groans.

       "Hey," Josh walks up to Niall and Niall smiled as the group migrates over to the building. "Are they picking where we sleep?" Niall asked. "Yeah. Names that start with A, S, m, K, and O have to sleep in the main area. J, H, P, and Q are in the left wing. H, N, L, B, And C are in the east wing-"

       Josh stopped once his group was called out. He left Niall standing with Conner (a guy from his Chemistry class). "This is the dumbest." Conner grunts and Niall nodded with 1000% agreement. "Alright. Brennon Michaels?" A prefect looked over Niall's group and a red headed boy walks forward as he was assigned a place to sleep.
        "Calum Hood, Luke Hemmings." The prefect was good looking to Niall. He spent his time checking him out. "Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson." The prefect called and Niall's lips pressed into a line. 'Really?' Niall thinks as they walk to a spot in front of their English classroom.

        Niall laid his head on the floor and covered up with the light blanket he brought. Louis glanced over at the boy and frowned. "Get up." Louis ordered. Niall looked at him crazily and Louis rolled his eyes a pushed Niall over. He laid Harry's big, think blanket  below them. He stacked the three pillows in a line and held his fuzzy, brown blanket.

        "Thought you might want that." Louis smiled a little and Niall looked down with a small smile. "Thank you." Niall stood up and wrapped his arms around Louis's neck. "I'm so sorry for not being there." Louis whispered as Niall pulled Harry into the hug. "I love you guys. Please don't leave me." Niall whispered back.

      "Let's all sleep, yeah? You can tell us everything tomorrow. We'll go to iHop." Harry suggest and they all nod. As they all laid close together Niall couldn't feel happier.

Life was finally fixing itself.

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