|Round 4|CLOSED| Frostbreeze @Frostfern10

254 20 113

{Names used: Frostclaw, Frostfur}

White she-cat with blue eyes.

She likes to be quiet, and is clever because of the way she handles situations and how she hunts in a way no other does.

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[1] Frosttuft {notyourservant} - White fur.

[2] Frostshine {willowstarof_skyclan} - Clever ways of handling situations.

[3] Frostglare {lagiacrus123} - Icy-blue eyes and cool, calculating gaze.

[4] Frostwhisper {Brook_in_the_Meadow} - Likes to be quiet.

[5] Frostfox {IamDapplepelt} - Quick and cunning like a fox and will protect her Clan like a fox protecting its kits.

[6] Frostbreeze {Frostfern10} - As silent as the breeze and her cleverness to hunt well in a unique way.

[7] Frostheart {PaigeNight} - Likes to be quiet, but is bighearted.

[8] Frostshade {CloverpawWarriorCats} - Cleverness and ability to hide in the shadows like a bush in a way no prey could see her.

[9] Frosthawk {WolfOfTheDawn} - Hunts alone. Represents her hunting style.

[10] Frostwing {TheCrystalTorch} - Takes a solo 'flight'.

[11] Frostflash {Alma1214} - Has her own style and does not like to show others.

[12] Frostcall {AnimalLover71} - Frost barely makes noise. She is quiet.

[13] Frostbloom {CloudOfEarlyAutumn} - As pretty as a flower

[14] Frostflower {Midnightwolf-} - Different like a flower, like the way she hunts.

[15] Frostsky {BluetigerLps66} - None.

[16] Frostflake {ApplecharmStarhorse} - Like a snowflake, she is silent but beautiful and special. Her blue eyes gleam like the flakes.

[17] Frostfeather {Tigris_Dei} - A feather will drift in its own way and they drift silently.

[18] Frostgaze {Echoblaze19} - Represents her cleverness and different style of hunting; how she is able to plan a different way to hunt by gazing everything around her.

[19] Frostsight {belovedpicese} - Cool, beautiful eyes that can calculate anything.

[20] Froststream {Soaringmoon} - Blue eyes and quietness, like how a blue stream trickles quietly along.

[21] Frostsoul {OrangestarWarriorcat} - Quiet and beautiful like frost.

[22] Frostwillow {fabulousace} - Willows are beautiful and quiet, just like her. A willow blows in the wind like no other tree does, just like how she is able to handle situations like no other cat does. In leaf-bare, a willow tree is frosted white just like her pelt.

[23] Frostlight {skittykitty605} - Lighthearted personality.

[24] Frostfire {16hawkgirl16} - None.

[25] Frostivy {TheFrogg} - Cleverness. She is able to 'tangle' other cats with her words.

[26] Frostpetal {MiaEChase} - Like an individual petal in a flower, her hunting style is unique.

[27] Frostpool {acwallin} - Quiet nature and how she is able to act calmly in situations.

[28] Frostspirit {OliviaSmith491} - Cleverness, like some spirits; smart and witty. Like her individuality, spirits are individual as well.

[29] Frostleaf {KiriaAndPurple} - None.

[30] Frostmoon {Willowmyth} - None.

[31] Frostpelt {Animal_Kiss} - Kind, sweet, brave, protective and nice.

[32] Frostowl {TheLadyAvanne} - Smart and cunning like an owl, and hunts differently than most cats. As quiet as an owl.

[33] Frostripple {AzureSkies69} - Quiet like a ripple in the water.

[34] Frostwind {darkmagicdragon} - None.

[35] Frostglow {LyLon14} - Personality stands out, like the moon glowing in the indigo sky.


1 - Frostbreeze {Frostfern10} +3 points

2 - Frostwillow {fabulousace} +2 points

3 - Frostflake {ApplecharmStarhorse} +1 point

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