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Saito sat in the white room, his mother right next to him. Both of them stared down emotionlessly. He waited in line to see Yui.

There were six deaths and three people bitten by demons. Turns out Yui was one of the lucky three.

When someone gets bitten they put them in special jails. There they wait for their executions.

"Adeno Yuuki." a woman called out behind a counter.

A man and woman stood up. Probably the boy's parents.

"Operation failed?" the woman asked his parents.

Both of them nodded.

There was a special operation that bitten people could take. It was rarely successful and only the people of the strongest of hearts could take it. Unfortunately, because of Yui's health issues, that want even an option for her.

They followed the lady to a room, where their son was held. They could say their goodbyes.

Saito knew that Yui was the next. He squeezed his arm, feeling uncomfortable. How could this happen? How could he not protect her?

After a fifteen minutes, the police went inside the room. They carried the fourteen year old boy outside. He was kicking and screaming, but not in a demonic way. More in desperation.

"I don't wanna die!" he screamed out, trying to escape.

His mother cried and looked away, his father covered her eyes just in case. His father looked at the boy once more in the eyes. Seeing his son's deep blue eyes in such terror was horrible foe him. The boy was only fourteen, he didn't even get a taste of life. He couldn't look anymore, so he just closed his eyes. This was too painful.

"Mom! DAD! SAY SOMETHING!" the desperation in his voice was clear.

They carried the boy in the room. He continued screaming until a gunshot was heard. Then everything was dead silent.

His mother couldn't keep it in any longer, and she decided to let everything out. She broke down on the floor, screaming for her son to come back. His father just hugged her and let out a tear. This had to be done. He didn't want his son going through so much pain and mental torture. He didn't want his son turning into a monster. This was better for him, he knew it was.

As Satoko and Saito watched the scene go down in terror, their hearts sunk in when the woman called out Yui's name. Satoko grabbed Saito's shirt, as if though she was looking for comfort. They followed the lady inside. As the door opened, they saw Yui blankly staring at the floor. She looked up at them and gave them an empty smile.

"Hello..." she waved weakly.

This was too much for Satoko to take. She ran to her daughter and wrapped her hands around her.

"Yui! Why!?" Satoko cried.

"S-stop it... You're gonna make me cry too..." Yui's strong smile vanished as tears started forming in them.

Saito kept quiet. He didn't know what the hell he should do. He didn't even think this was actually happening. It was just so unreal.

"Why are you so calm?!" Satoko yelled.

"I... I can't do anything to prevent this. I can't escape." She tried her hardest not to cry, but her voice was cracking and it was noticeable she was on the verge of slipping.

"You can! S-Saito!" Satoko looked at him desperately.

Saito's eyes widened. She came to him and clung onto him.

"Couldn't you bust her out?! You could smash the wall! Come on!" her tears slid down.

He kept quiet. He couldn't do that. They would catch the both of them. Both of them would get executed.

"Why are you quiet?" Satoko whispered out.

"I... I can't." Saito chocked out.

"Of course you can! USE YOUR POWERS! DO... SOMETHING!" she shook him furiously, trying to get him to move.

She just felt desperate. Anything... Anything to save Yui. Satoko let go of him and calmed down. Her breaths were shaky, and it was clear she was barely on her feet.

Saito walked over to Yui without any word and just pulled out something from his pocket. It was Haru's green scarf. Her eyes widened. Now it was her breaking point. She started to cry as she hugged the scarf.

"Time's up." The police came inside.

"N-No! Not already!" Satoko yelled.

The police held her, it was obvious she would try to do something. They held Saito by the arm too, just in case. They took Yui, who now was sobbing uncontrollably. She breathed heavily and she couldn't talk.

As they took her away, Saito couldn't take it anymore. The seriousness of the situation just stroke him in the head. He's never going to see her again.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean anything of what I said!" Saito yelled as she was close to the door.

She turned around and smiled one last smile.

"I... I know you didn't mean anything." Yui said and they opened the door.

"I love you both."

Those were the last words she ever said. She didn't even scream. She accepted her death with terror, but with class as well.

Satoko and Saito were silent after they heard the gunshot. That was the sign they could go home now. Both of them wordlessly walked into the car and headed home.

"I'm a horrible mother." Satoko whispered.

"I... I expected too much from her. Its because of me that she bought those drinks!" she continued as she finally parked.

Saito meanwhile blamed himself. If he helped out more... Her heart would've been fine. Maybe the surgery would even been successful? So why didn't he help at least a little?

Both of them didn't go out od the car. They just sat there, thinking about how horrible they are. Blaming themselves, they barely even walked outside the car. Satoko just sat on the couch and stared at the celling. Meanwhile, Saito, pulled out a bottle of wine from the fridge. Satoko didn't complain, and he just drank in his room until he fell asleep.

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