Hitomi the Douchebag

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They ran for ten minutes straight without any breaks or water. Saito was starting to get tired, but he was still running without a problem. Yoko was doing pretty good. She looked like she was gonna pass out, but was too stubborn to actually stop. Her makeup was so smeared from her sweat, she looked like a monster from a horror show. Koiichi, meanwhile, was about to collapse. He stopped in his tracks, breathing heavily.

"I... Can't do... This..." He said through gasps and fell on the floor tiredly.

Yoko immidately stopped, kneeling next to him.

"Yo, douchebag, stop running!" Yoko yelled so Saito could hear.

Saito stopped in confusion. He walked where Yoko and Koiichi were.

"Did she finally say we can stop?" Saito asked a bit hopefully.

"Fuck no. But one man has fell. We are a fucking liberal nation here, so we can't leave a man behind!" Yoko said with a fiery passion.

"Th... Thank you, Taruhako-San..." Koiichi thanked breathlessly.

"Anytime! I fight for the rights of the weak!"

"Right..." Saito mumbled, scratching his head awkwardly.

"As a conclusion, this has gone too fucking far!" Yoko screamed demandingly.

"Running without a break?! Look at what that did to this poor man right there!" She continued in an over the top way while pointing at Koiichi, who was still on the floor.

"Yeah, we can think of a plan to stop her..." Koiichi said when he tried to get up, but Yoko forcefully pulled him up.

She slapped his back heartedly, giving him a face full of pride. Koiichi didn't understand what Yoko was trying to do here.

"Good idea! Let's make her run for twenty minutes straight in her underwear!" Saito recommended, feeling quite vengeful.

"Why don't you try to talk to her first before we take any drastic measures?" Koiichi asked.

"Why should I do that? She obviously doesn't give two fucks about what I say." Saito argued.

"You're the closest one to her." Yoko butted in.

"What? No, I'm not!" He frowned.

"But you've been hanging out with her for the past few days-" Yoko argued, already looking like she can punch someone.

"Fine, fine. But I guarantee I won't come back with anything." He walked away.

He saw Hitomi laying on a bench, playing video games on her gameboy. So, they're running their asses off, and she's just playing fucking video games. Saito took a deep breath, just so he doesn't punch her in the face. He walked next to the bench, waiting for her to notice him.

"Need something, Sai-Sama?" Hitomi asked innocently.

"Yes. Kimura, the running went too far." He stated in an upfront manner.

"How come?" She asked nonchalantly, not even looking at him.

"You know darn well! You're here playing games while the rest of us are working! You can't just make us do that!" Hr was so close to punching her, yet so far away.

She put the gameboy down and looked at him properly. Her eye had a glimmer of satisfaction and her mouth was in a huge smirk.

"Oh, you think I can't? I can, and I will." Hitomi answered pulling out her phone.

Her voice was oddly deeper all of a sudden. It actually sounded her age and it had a bit of a menacing tone. She put the picture of him and the teddy bear. There was a button send on the screen and her finger was on it. She gave him a tempting a smile.

"You're bluffing." He said, a bit unsure himself after that.

She grinned even more and pressed the button. He got a vibration in his phone and he saw the picture sent to him and god knows who else.

"That was sent to everyone in school. I have more kinds of blackmail. Wanna return to your morning jog now, Akiyama?" She asked, her voice returning to the normal high pitched cheery one.

She put her stuff back in her bag and smiled sweetly. He was kinda frightened and went away as soon as he could. Before he could explain, the information was already there.

"Uh, yeah, I got the picture." Yoko said uncomfortablely showing her phone and the picture on it.

"This has gone too far! Planning time for liberalism and democracy!" Yoko yelled, trying to sound important even though they were actually just getting revenge.

"I have a plan..." Koiichi said and his glasses shined evilly.


"Kimura, Okazaki is slacking off!" Yoko screamed.

Hitomi happily got up. Luckily she didn't take her bag. It was Saito's job to take her bag while Yoko and Koiichi distract her. Simple, but so far efficient.

"Oh, Okazaki-Sama! What did I tell you?" Hitomi asked sweetly.

Saito meanwhile took her phone and tried to go in. Unfortunately, it was locked. He just took the bag and went there to gloat.

"Hey, Kimura, look what we have here!" He yelled and showed her the backpack he had in his hand.

Hitomi tried to take it away, but Saito just brought the bag to his height, which she couldn't reach. She tried jumping to it, but it didn't work.

"Whatcha gonna do now, shorty?" He gloated, being quite amused.

"Bravo! You beat the task!" Hitomi started clapping.

Yoko, Koiichi and Saito looked at each other in confusion.

"You see, the plan was for me to act like a asshole and you to work against me! But as a team! Since I know all of you would work against me individually without a problem." Hitomi said enthusiastically.

Yoko and Saito glared at her.

"You did all this just so you can teach us a lesson about teamwork?" Yoko said as calmly as possible, looking quite pissed.


"And you posted a picture of me with a teddy bear just because of that?" Saito fumed.

"Pretty much, yeah." Hitomi shrugged.

Saito smiled an angry forceful smile. He took Hitomi's phone from the backpack and threw it on the floor. He started stomping on it until little pieces remained. After that he smiled again. Without a word he left.

Hitomi just stared with a blank space as he walked away. Instead of being angry she went in an other direction, while happily adding:

"Next meeting is tomorrow at the same time!"

"Do you think she's mad?" Koiichi asked, quite amused.

"Hell yes." Yoko was even more amused at what she saw.

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