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It was ten in the afternoon. Yoko was peacefully sleeping in her bed. So many nice things went through her head. But then she heard a doorbell ring. Her eyes opened tiredly. Who the fuck was bothering her now? She was grumpy as fuck. She got up and slammed the door open. As soon as she saw who it was, sue closed it shut once again.

Toshiki was just standing there confused. Why did she close the door? She did open it after she put a plastic bag over her head. He was left confused once more.

"What's with the bag?" he asked, still having his monotone voice.

"I'm not wearing make up..." she grumbled in annoyance.

She really didn't want people seeing her without make up. Especially Toshiki. She always had a plastic bag near her door if anyone came in the wrong time. The bag had two holes for seeing. She noticed he had flowers with him.

"So what?" Toshiki asked.

She just wanted to say what she honestly thought. I'm even uglier without make up. But of course she would never admit that, so she just avoided the question.

"Why did you come this late? I was sleeping." Yoko grumbled slightly, not really sounding annoyed, since it was Toshiki after all.

"Th... I read that girls like it when guys come late at night with flowers. But you're usually awake in these hours." He said in a manner that seemed like he was thinking out loud.

Yoko blushed. He read that girls like this? And how does he even know what's her sleeping pattern? She didn't know whether she should be creeped out or flattered.

"Uhh, I guess that's romantic." She concluded while she looked at the floor.

He gave her the flowers. Her eyes widened. She looked up at him awkwardly, not believing what was even happening. He had his usual blank face. He looked so funny doing this.

"Thanks..." she mumbled as she took the flowers.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked as if its the most casual thing ever.

Yoko's eyes widened even more. Her whole face was red and she was glad that he couldn't see it from the plastic bag. Why was he asking this so... Effortlessly?

As he saw she wasn't answering from surprise, he just continued with his own story.

"Well, as I analysed my feelings with deep introspection I noticed signs that I like you. Your behaviour also is obvious. You're almost as obvious as Akiyama-Kun towards Kimura-San. So the only logical way to go about is to get together." It looked as if though he was planning this speech for a long time.

Yoko was just blushing like never before. She was just waiting for her heating cheeks to melt off or something. She just nodded weakly.

"Is that a yes for the relationship thing?" Toshiki asked bluntly.

"Of course it is, you fucking retard!" she just hugged him.

He didn't really look bothered, but he tried to hug back like he read online. He literally read online on how to hug online. It just came off as weird though. This whole situation was weird. She stiffened up as she noticed him taking off her plastic bag.

"You're prettier without make up." He said bluntly.

She never expected him to say that. She never felt happier.

"Thanks..." She smiled shyly.

"That's a fact." He added.

Her smile fell. Of course he didn't find her pretty without facrs. She wasn't pretty for him.

"You ruined the moment." She deadpanned.

"But that's a fact for me." He smiled awkwardly.

This whole situation just made her smile. He was adorable and dorky.

But there was more romance going on tomorrow. But with someone else. Our dear Saito.

He fortunately stopped with the demon killing ever since that incident that happened two weeks ago. He tried to get some answers from Hitomi, she wouldn't give them to him. That just got him more intrigued. He got even closer to her, which he sort of started liking. Or to be more precise, he started liking her. He didn't like that though. But after much convincing, he started to go for it. Why not just ask her on a date? She won't take it like a date anyway. She'll just think it's hanging out. Yeah. Its not so hard. He had the perfect opportunity to do so.

There was a really nice fun park opening tomorrow. That's something both of them could enjoy. As he looked at her all over school, the one thing that was left was the library, which he highly doubted she was in. It was worth a shot though.

As he walked inside, he actually saw her sitting on the table writing something on a piece of paler, looking pretty concentrated. He smiled. She looked cute while she was concentrating. He sat opposite of her.

"I ain't gonna tell you anything." Hitomi grinned as she looked down at her paper.

"What makes you think its about that?" Saito asked, grinning as well.

"Well, its not like you would step foot into the library without ulterior motives." She looked up from the paper as she focused on him.

"I actually do have an ulterior motive." He crossed his arms.

"Knew it." She sighed and continued to scribble on the paper.

He tried to see what it was, but as he saw that she was covering it up, he gave up.

"Ummm... You know that carnival opening tomorrow?" he asked, sounding more and more nervous.

"Mhm." She answered.

"Would you maybe like to go with me sometimes maybe?" he said that as quickly as possible as he looked down at the floor.

He heard a pencil break. She literally broke a pencil with one hand. Her hair was covering her face. He couldn't see her facial expression. He didn't know what to think about this reaction. Her head snapped up with a happy expression.

"Sorry about that! It was just a short spazz! But I would love to go!" she giggled.

As much as he was scared of the mood swing, he just continued happily. She actually agreed.

"Oh, cool, maybe this Sunday?" Saito asked hopefully.

"Sure!" she answers happily.

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