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After school Saito, Toshiki, Haru and Mitsuki went to Saito's home. They started preparing for the birthday surprise. Saito baked pretty nicely, even cleaned the house, which he did everyday since Yui was never home. The more he thought about it, the more he sounded like a house maid.

Haru decorated the house in a very flamboyant way. Confetti everywhere, even balloons were taped to the ceiling. It looked like a four year olds birthday party.

Toshiki baught all the plastic plates and forks, precisely calculating how to spend the least.

And Mitsuki... Well she was taking care of Saito's five cats. Even she was surprised on how much cats he had. Lonely cat man?

"The cake is done." Saito said happily while pulling the cake from the stove.

"Wow, you have the ability to bake desserts with actual ingredients!" Mitsuki said in amazement.

"I know, that's pretty rare now." Saito said with a grin, trying to impress her.

Saito put the cake on the table and Mitsuki decorated it. When they thought it was over, they heard a door bell ring.

"Who could that be? Yui's supposed to be home by eight..." Saito went to open the door.

Yoko stood there with a grin. She didn't wait for him to invite her, she just walked inside like she owns the place. She looked around and scoffed.

"What's this supposed to be? A party for a eight year old?" She snarked.

"So, you came to celebrate with us?" Haru asked happily with a bit of hope hidden in his tone.

"Hahaha, no."

Haru's face fell. Saito glared at her while Mitsuki had a confused face.

"I'm inviting over people for a real party. They'll be coming soon." Yoko crossed her arms and smirked.

"I told you, Yui doesn't like parties, you stupid stubborn mule." Saito said irritabley.

"Oh, please, you didn't even know it was her birthday." Yoko snarked back at him.

She was really convinced she was right. Everyone was on Saito's side, but nobody wanted to speak up. Mitsuki had quite enough of fights and Haru just didn't like arguing. Toshiki meanwhile was waiting for someone to ask him something, then he'll be vocal.

The doorbell was heard and Saito opened it again. People walked in that Saito didn't even know. He stared as at least fourteen people went inside like they are invited.

"You actually fucking invited them?" Saito whispered to Yoko angrily.

Yoko only smirked and went over to some of the people who were there. Even more people came, while Yoko just calmly let them in like she's the host. Music started playing as well and someone even baught alcohol. Saito just stared in frustration that this was happening so fast. People were slowly getting drunk and breaking stuff.

"Now THIS is a party!" Yoko yelled triumphantly.

Saito looked over to Mitsuki and Haru. At first he was not quite alright with it, but stopped complaining when one of the invited guys threatened to beat him up. Mitsuki looked uncomfortable, but continued talking to people as if though nothing happened. It looks like Saito was the only one visibly bothered by the whole situation. He thought about the only person who might be on his side, the logical and always objective Toshiki.

He eventually found him at the corner of the room, just watching everyone a bit creepily. Of course Saito went to talk to him.

"Am I the only one that's bothered by this?" Saito asked in an annoyed manner.

"No. Yui won't like this party though. That's at least quite obvious." Toshiki stated, looking like he didn't care about the party going on around.

"That's a nice party you got." Hitomi's squeaky voice was heard next to Saito.

She was so short he didn't even notice her. He just looked at her uninterestedly.

"If even I'm not annoying you, it must be this party." Hitomi concluded.

Saito nodded angrily. He was so pissed he just took a whole bottle of who knows what kind of alcohol and just started drinking it, even though he knew it was illegal.

"I don't give a fuck anymore." He mumbled.

"Why are you giving up so easily?" Hitomi raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not!" Saito said immediately.

"Then why not get these people out of here? If I get more people out of here than you, I win." She grinned and offered a hand for agreement.

Saito grinned as well and nodded. Of course, the only thing that can motivate him is a competition. And so he started threatening people to get the fuck out. To people that weren't drunk, it worked, since nobody in their right mind wouldn't be scared of the demon looking Saito. Hitomi meanwhile just whispered something in their ear and most of them went away. They were doing a pretty good job, but Yui still came before they could get it completely done.

"What the hell?!" She yelled, but of course it wasn't heard by the thumping music.

She panickly looked around. She noticed all the broken stuff around and looked like she was gonna throw up from the shock.

"My god! How the hell did they break that piano!? Mom is gonna kill me!" She screamed in panic.

Nobody noticed the birthday girl because of intoxication, but she was pretty noticeable in the dark room. She had white hair and pale skin. She got that from her demon dad, but she usually tells people she's an albino.

"Saito!" Yui yelled and ran to him.

"What the hell is happening!?" She yelled at him.

"Taruhako thaught it would be a wonderful idea if she threw a party for you." Saito said angrily.

"A freaking party?! Is she insane?! Mom called me and she said she's coming home! She'll kill me!" Yui looked like her eyes will fall out from all the things running through her head.

"Mom's coming home?!" Saito yelled, even he was feeling panic now.

But then Yui noticed something. This got her even angrier than before.

"Why are you drinking!? You're sixteen!" Yui yelled trying to grab the bottle out of his hands.

"Fifteen and a half." He corrected.

Yui looked like she was gonna kill him with her glare. But something grabbed his attention. His cake was on the floor. A guy was standing next to it, obviously pushing it from the table on accident.

"My fucking cake!" Saito yelled angrily and stomped to the guy, who was drunk as all hell.
"Saito, don't!" She yelled even more angrily.

That didn't stop him though. He got in a fight, which was more of him punching and the guy trying to run away.

Yui looked like she was gonna have a breakdown. She grabbed her head, trying to block the music that was blasting in her ears. This is all so wrong. There's a party here, the music is loud, half the stuff is broken and Saito is drinking and getting into a fight.

"Would everyone just get out!" Yui yelled tiredly, but nobody heard her or even cared.

Just then...


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