First Mission

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The next day he immediately went demon hunting after school. Saito didn't even take breaks anymore, he just went as early as possible. He would study at night, not getting much of sleep. He didn't even notice in who he was turning into. All that was missing was the energy drinks. But when he thought about it, it didn't sound bad at all. It would give him well needed energy. Maybe he could buy them from Hitomi. She wouldn't complain or ask too many questions. But then again, she would find out in her own way, as she always does.

His friends still tried to convince him to stop with this revenge nonsense, they just found a different way of going with the subject.

"The three of us will easily join your quest." Mitsuki offered.

Saito stopped walking and turned around to them. He was just going home and they already cornered him.

"That'd be a bad idea." Was his only response.

"We're not incompetent, you retard. We might not be demons, but we still have guns." Yoko looked at Toshiki, who pulled out three guns a little bit, just in case someone looked a bit too sharply at them.

"Where did you get those?!" he asked in surprise.

The only people who had them were the him, the police and the Ks.

"We had to come prepared if we were going to ask this." Yoko concluded in a very business like manner.

It only occurred to him now that she would make a good boss. A one everyone would fear.

"Those are demons. Its too dangerous." Saito continued, not wanting any more people dying.

"You don't know others peoples capabilities. Stop assuming things without proof." Toshiki stated, still as uninterested as ever.

"And you're going into this situation without knowing the details." Saito stated, using Toshiki's own words against them.

"Toshiki is well read on demons, and he already had experiences." Yoko defended him as usual.

Saito was confused. When did he have experiences?

"Do you even know how to use those guns?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Its surprisingly not complex." Mitsuki said happily.

"But still-" Saito was cut off.

"You do not have trust in your friends?" she asked, feeling quite heart broken.

When he looked into her eyes he just felt oddly guilty. She had this weird softening effect on people. He just grumbled something and scratched his head.

"Fine. Go with me." He sighed in defeat.

Mitsuki smiled brightly, while Yoko in satisfaction. They pulled out their own masks. They even had their own masks. They weren't kidding when they said they were prepared. Yoko had this weird purple artsy mask. Toshiki had a simple white mask with a straight line, similar to a poker face. How fitting, its not like he was even wearing a mask. Mitsuki had this bright pink mask with sparkles.

All of them walked to the west side. This was Yoko's and Mitsuki's first time. Neither of them seemed worried. Yoko, because she thought she was competent enough. Mitsuki didn't even understand the seriousness of the situation. Toshiki knew that neither of them knew what was actually awaiting. He didn't want to protect them from the truth though. He could protect from any harm he could, but the truth wasn't one of them. They'll have to see this, no matter how horrified they'll be. But he knew there wouldn't be any physical harm done. He'd protect them.

And finally, when a demon did appear, things went exactly as Toshiki predicted. His reflexes surprised Saito, since when the demon appeared, it was immediately shot down. Its flesh started to melt as it screamed.

Mitsuki was horrified at the scene. She felt something going up her throat. She tried to keep it in, but it went right out. She threw up and she felt dizzy. She could sense the weird smelling blood of the demon. A weird combination that smelled of rotting fruit and fresh meat. Such an odd disgusting combination.

Yoko had a very uncomfortable expression. She looked shocked, but she tried to keep her posture. She looked at the rotting demon as long as she could, just to get that burning picture in her mind. The sooner she got used to it, the better. She wanted to look at it before she stopped feeling disturbed and disgusted.

She couldn't look at it for long. Its half burnt twitching eye was just something she couldn't stare at. She turned her head away. She went to see if Mitsuki was okay. Mitsuki merely nodded and stood up. Her facial expression was still horrified, but her face was pale and cold. Sweat was dripping from her skin. Maybe this was a bad idea.

"You'll get used to it." Saito stated blankly.

He felt weird. Did he really get that messed up that even something this horrific couldn't get a reaction out of him? Did he really stoop to such a low level?

"Are you two better?" Toshiki asked them.

Both of them nodded, at a loss of words.

"Then we should go on ahead." Saito stated, walking straight deeper into the street.

Mitsuki and Yoko walked pass the body, heads turned away in the opposite direction of it. Mitsuki took a quick glance. She just had to. She felt sick to her stomach again and her eyes just went the opposite direction right away, feeling so disgusted it was unbelievable. But now she couldn't back out. She was going to be a competent friend and help Saito.

Most of the demons were killed by Toshiki and Saito. Yoko actually took action and shot one in the leg. She felt proud, but her hands were too shaky to aim normally. This all was still all too new for her. Mitsuki was still adjusting, but visibly taking it the worst of all of them.

"You're doing a good job." Toshiki patted her head.

Haru used to do that a lot to her. Just what was up with him in these last few days. And was he lying? She wasn't even doing anything.

"That's enough for today." Yoko said, really wanting to go home.

"Yeah, but only cause its your first time." Saito said as he walked in front of all of them.

Everything went fine. No one was hurt. Just as he thought. Just as Toshiki predicted.

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