Walk Home

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Saito sat down at their usual lunch spot. He didn't wanna talk to anyone, nor did he want to think. He stared at the floor, not even touching his lunch.

"Yo, dipshit!" A rough and deep female voice was heard as he felt his head being pound.

He clenched his head and looked at the attacker. It was no one other than Taruhako Yoko herself.

"Why the fuck were you carrying a half dead Hitomi around town?" She sat down beside him, but she did it roughly and 'in your face' kind of way.

"How do you even know that?" He wasn't even concentrated enough to deny it.

"It was my mom that let you in, asshole." She crossed her arms.

He thought for a while.

"Yeah, that would explain the insults." He concluded.

She looked like her too. Her mom was also chubby and masculine, but she looked at least half way normal.

"I know you're half demon." She said coldly.

Saito kept quiet.

"You're obvious. Why do you think everyone in school ignores you? They don't wanna be fucking murdered by a demon!" She raised her voice, bit Saito tried to shush her.

"Don't you dare fucking 'Shh' me!" Yoko screamed.

"Let's just go somewhere private..." He grumbled.

"So you can bite me!? I'm warning you, I know karate!" Yoko continued while everyone in the cafetira stared at them.

He pulled her by the arm in annoyance. She continued to ramble but followed him. He didn't even listen to a word she said. All he knew that it was something against the lines of democracy', 'fragility' and 'Shit eyed motherfucker'.

He took her to the roof. There they could talk alone. Yoko didn't seem bothered that she was in a room out of sight while she was alone with a demon. She either had amazing karate skills or she doesn't even know a true strenght of a half demon. It was the second, obviously.

"You hurt Hitomi because she's weaker than your species! Don't be a fucking speciest! Have some respect for equality!" She continued to ramble, probably forgetting at who was she even ranting at.

He didn't even bother to correct her. His intention wasn't to hurt Hitomi at all, but her stubbornness didn't allow anything else than her own opinion.

"Would you just fucking listen to me, Taruhako!?"

She continued.


"MY DEMON HALF TOOK OVER OKAY?!" he started to scream again.

"Oh, yeah! Just blame your demon half! Wah wah! I'm not capable of taking responsibility for my own actions so I'll just blame my demon half! Wah wah!"

"You don't have to listen to me, but I would never try to o hurt Hitomi." Saito answered firmly as he stomped towards her.

She quieted down for a bit. They were staring at each other like hawks. Eventually Yoko smiled.

"Since when do you call her by her name?" Yoko asked with a very mock filled smirk.

"Sh-Shut up!" He blushed and punched her lightly.

She stared at him for a couple of seconds. Yoko sighed. If he reacted like that just by that simple word, he couldn't have intentionally meant her harm.

"Akiyama, I'm good at research. I'll try to help control your demon self." Yoko said in determination.

He was taken aback. Did she seriously just softened for him a little bit?

"You... You will?" Saito asked in surprise.

"Your blushing face doesn't really say pure evil." Yoko grinned at him.

He blushed even more and covered his face.

"With this I'm leaving you. Ill research the fuck out of this!" Yoko said happily as she pranced down the stairs.

Saito was meanwhile scared by her mood swings.

As school ended she walked home alone. Usually there would be a group of people. But the only thing holding that group together was Haru and now that he's gone... She shook her head. She can't think about him that often.

He's gone and he's dead. Thinking about him constantly will only make things worse. She repeated that as she walked.

Rain started to fall. She angrily swore under her breath and pulled out an umbrella. As she continued walking she saw someone peculiar.


He was looking at the sky for a long while. He looked deep in thought and a little bit... Depressed. She frowned and decided to approach him.

"Oi, Toshiki!" She yelled as she walked next to him.

He took one glance before looking down again.

"Why are you out in the rain? And without an umbrella to top it." Yoko continued, looking worried and annoyed with him at the same time.

"Just... Thinking..." Toshiki whispered while he was getting even more drenched with water.

"You look kinda depressed." Yoko commented.

"It's in your head." He answered quickly.

He was lying. Usually he would analyze what he would say. What's happening to him?

"You've been down lately. Wanna talk about it?"

It was true. Ever since Haru died he looked even worse than before. She could swear he looked even skinnier and paler.

When he didn't answer, she continued to talk.

"You're gonna catch a cold." She whispered as she put an umbrella over his head.

"I can walk you home." She said warmly.

Then her eyes widened and she blushed hard.

"If you want to, of course! You're gonna get sick if you don't dry up! A-and you don't have an umbrella! I could get you a hoodie! What!? Uh! I'll shut up!" She looked down at the floor, not daring to look up.

When she did muster up the courage to look up, Toshiki was staring at her. She blushed even more.

"Why are you staring at me like that!?" She tried to punch his arm, but he swiftly dodged it.

"You can do what you suggested." He answered, looking away.

Yoko looked confused for a bit, but smiled nonetheless. She walked him home in a very comfortable silence.

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