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Saito stared at Hitomi. The next day she pranced in class, as if nothing happened. Happy, hours and talking to him like she usually did. He wanted to apologize, but he didn't know how to bring up the subject, since Hitomi was doing a damn good job at avoiding it.

"I'll pay you back..." Saito said suddenly while they were talking.

He just couldn't stop feeling guilty, especially if she didn't even give him a chance to apologize. He didn't know from where he would get the money, but he's gonna work his damnest to do it.

"I don't think that's possible, Saito." Hitomi smiled happily.

"I promise! I'll find a way!" He started panicking.

She just smiled and sighed.

"Whatever you say." She just answered absent mindedly.

They went to their regular lunch table. Everyone else was there, but the topic that they were discussing wasn't really something he wanted to talk about.

"I don't know where I'll go!" Haru sighed dramatically.

Of course. Fucking college. Haru was eighteen and on his last year of this highschool. He didn't have the slightest clue on what he's gonna do in his life. Now that Saito thinks about it, it'll be weird when Haru just leaves. He was used to him. Even Mitsuki will go away before him, since she was a year older. His stomach fell from the thought.

"You like fashion, don't you?" Yoko asked, looking irritated that Haru didn't get it.

"Duh! Made this scarf myself!" He stated, being proud of something he really shouldn't be proud of.

"Then just fuck college and be a designer." Yoko concluded simply.

"But... I can't make anything with that..." Haru looked a bit worried.

"How can you not know what you're gonna do with your own fucking life?" Yoko questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Not everyone is ambitious as you are..." Haru mumbled.

"I'm planning on studying law. This country needs some justice." Yoko crossed her arms, looking like she's talking very passionately.

"Wow! That would be quite the perfect thing for you!" Mitsuki commented happily.

"What are you planning?" Yoko asked Mitsuki, suddenly her voice getting nicer.

She was much nicer to Mitsuki, and even tries to be less argumentative around her.

"I'd like to be a photographer! It would be fun just camping in the wild forest and taking photographs! Now that I speak of it, I'd like to go camping. Did you know that you actually couldn't survive in there because..." Mitsuki stated absentmindedly and started talking about uninvolved subjects.

"What about you, Toshiki?" Yoko asked, suddenly getting very interested.

She even smiled. Toshiki just stared at her.

"Plans aren't really made for that..." Toshiki mumbled while looking down.

This surprised Hitomi.

"Not made? Wow, aren't you the most organized one?" Hitomi commented, even she became interested in the subject.

Only Saito was sitting there like an idiot. He seriously didn't know what to say. But he noticed Yui was looking quiet as well.

"I think that Toshiki would be a very good judge." Mitsuki said very happily.

"Judge..." He said, as if he was thinking about it.

"Duh! You're the most fair person we know!" Yoko said happily.

Than she looked around and saw that people were looking at her in surprise. That was quite uncharacteristic praising and enthusiasm. She quickly sat down and coughed.

"If that's what you want, it can be arranged." Toshiki stated, without any hint of enthusiasm.

"Don't just do it because of other people!" Yoko quickly attacked.

"As long as it's useful-" he started, but Yoko cut him off.

"Why don't you do something that makes you happy!?" She asked in anger.

He just stared back with a poker face. His dark brown eyes looked so dead and emotionless. Yoko opened her mouth to say something, but Haru nudged her with his elbow. He moved his head a bit toward Mitsuki, who didn't notice. Yoko understood immediately and stopped. Haru didn't want any fights in front of Mitsuki. Yoko just smiled and decided to go back on topic.

"Haha, anyway..." She started, but then evilly looked at Saito.

"Hm, I wonder what Akiyama has in plan for his future?" Yoko asked arrogantly.

Saito cursed mentally. He hoped nobody would ask him anything.

"Um, I don't really have anything in plan..." He answered honestly.

Yoko grinned.

"How can you not know?" She mocked.

"Actually, I don't have any plans either..." Yui finally spoke up.

"YOU don't have a plan? Bullshit." Hitomi said in surprise.
"How doesn't the perfect role model class president have any plans?" Haru questioned.

"Mom said I should just focus on highschool first and then think about college." Yui said.

Of course, she was doing everything her mommy told her to do. Saito was kinda worried for her. She always overworks herself, but the good thing is that she was feeling way more energetic since her birthday. She usually looked very glum and tired. Maybe she got some nice gifts?

"You just said that to protect your little brother." Hitomi argued happily.

"And what do you have in plan, smartass?" Saito asked angrily, obviously annoyed by the way she's been judging everyone who doesn't have an ambition.

"Well, that would be a secret." She grinned in a very mocking way.

Saito just rolled his eyes. She probably didn't have any plans.

"I still continually want to camping." Mitsuki said our of nowhere, as if she was thinking about that the whole time.

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